Colour Multifunction Printers | Drivers & Utilities - OKI
The Mobile Print application by OKI will print PDF's (*1), photos and web pages from your device to OKI printers and multi-function devices (MFPs). Print to OKI pritners and MFPs via your wireless or wired LAN. Operating System: iOS
Backed by unmatched support – OKI is so confident in the reliability and performance of your B412dn/B432dn printer that we provide an industry-leading 5-year printhead warranty and a 1-year carry-in depot printer warranty.3
Specification | B432dn | Mono Printers | Printers, Printing ... - OKI
Built for maximum speed and efficiency, the easy-to-use B432dn A4 desktop mono printer provides advanced productivity features including powerful processor and memory in a budget-friendly, compact desktop printer. All major network protocols supported via ethernet card with internal web server for printer and network card set-up and management.
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ASTM B473-07R2018 ASTM 标准规范全文下载 - 道客巴巴
2020年7月13日 · 内容提示: Designation: B473 − 07 (Reapproved 2018)Standard Specif i cation forUNS N08020, UNS N08024, and UNS N08026 Nickel AlloyBar and Wire 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation B473; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the ...
OKI B432dn / b432 商務型 LED A4 黑白 雷射 印表機 - PChome …
OKI B432dn / b432 商務型 LED A4 黑白 雷射 印表機 - OKI, 專為高印量客戶設計,可列印、雙面列印,可列印至A6長幅紙張,適合多位使用者的環境。
Mono Multifunction Printers | Drivers & Utilities - OKI
Print to OKI pritners and MFPs via your wireless or wired LAN. Mobile Print will print PDF's, photos and web pages to OKI LED printers. This utility allows you to setup the network setting of device. This driver works with OKI color and mono printers/MFPs. You don’t need a …
OKI 45807101 Black Toner Cartridge 2-Pack for B432, B512, …
2018年3月19日 · OKI 45807101 black toner cartridge 2-pack for B432, B512, MB492, MB562. Choose genuine OKI consumables for maximum performance.
Error Codes > OKI > B431 > Code 173
Description: Upper Heater Low Temperature Fuser unit humidity error. Turn off the power and wait a moment. And then, turn on the power. Remedy: IIs the thermistor connector inserted into the THERM connector of the main board normally? • No Insert the Thermistor connector correctly.