VM/R Series VM53RII - Nidec Corporation
With the adoption of Nidec OKK's reputable and unique cam-type and high-speed synchronous tool exchanger (patented by Nidec OKK), this model boasts stable tool exchange and excellent durability. With a double-side contact spindle installed as standard, VM53RII can handle tools of up to 380mm in length.
VM/Rシリーズ VM53RⅡ | ニデック株式会社 - Nidec Corporation
定評のあるOKK独自のカム式高速同期工具交換装置(OKK特許)の採用で、安定した工具交換と抜群の耐久性を実現。 2面拘束主軸を標準装備し、最大ツール長も380mmまで対応。 ギア主軸ではヘッド前面にも冷却油循環回路を追加し温度上昇を14%抑制。 カバー前面から主軸までの距離を770mm、テーブルまでの高さを920mmと、接近性を改善。 扉は天井部まで開口、従来機にあった上部の扉レールを廃止し、より操作性が向上。 (データベースサイト「EMIDAS」を通 …
VM43R II / VM53R II / VM76R II - OKK Europe
Wide column increases rigidity further! Higher in accessibility and maintainability and easier to use than conventional machines. Box guide way that is used traditionally provides excellent accuracy and rigidity.
产品介绍 | 尼得科机工(上海)商贸有限公司 - OKK
-采用通过箱型结构实现高刚性的主体铸件及大直径主轴,大型高刚性滚柱导轨,可进行不锈钢,钛合金等难切削材料的高刚性加工。 -宽阔的工作台实现了从普通工件到超长工件的加工,采用了可提高接近性和操作性的“立柱移动性”。 -在强大的OKK加工中心中心阵营中还配有磨削加工。 对应高硬度材料和易脆材质,实现在多样的加工形态中高效率和高精度化。 All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) NIDEC OKK CORPORATION. 2022年OKK并入尼得科集团,开启了新的征程, …
OKK VM53R Vertical Machining Centers - MachineTools.com
Looking to Purchase a New OKK VM53R? Contact Sales Rep. Distributors, Sales Offices, and Service & Repair Shops. Virginia, US (Edit) Distributors 45. Jeffreys Manufacturing Solutions 8500 Triad Drive Colfax, North Carolina 27235 United States. Gosiger Mid Atlantic
OKK Exhibits VM43R VC–X500 VM53R HM5000 VM76R …
Maximizing the features of the box ways, OKK developed a new series with Precise Cutting Performance. For real machining professionals The VM/R Series are Now Available! R stands for REAL Rigidity Ecology Application variety Long Machine Life
OKK VM53RII - Vertical CNC Machining Center | Methods …
The OKK VM53RII’s feed axes utilize highly rigid and accurate box-ways like conventional machines, enabling better machining of not only general parts, but also machining parts made of difficult-to-cut materials such as titanium. The main body design delivers heavy and accurate CNC machining in an ergonomic and user-friendly design.
Small Format Box Way Vertical Machining Center. If you are looking for CNC Machines from any of these manufacturers CONTACT US TODAY! TMG – The Machine Group CNC Equipment, Parts, Service Applications and Turn-Key Solutions.
Used OKK VM53R Machining Center for sale | Machinio
2012 OKK VM-53R. used. Manufacturer: OKK; Model: VM53R; Control: Fanuc 310is; Spindle-through type Center-through air Current status: Available for immediate delivery | Control device: Fanuc 310is | Spindle end (nominal number): BT 50 | Spindle speed and output: 8, 000min-1 (gear) 15/11KW ...
OKK 日本 Nidec 立式加工中心 VM series VM53R | 51机床网
去除一切多余功能,追求作为MC 基本要求的切削性能及精度,以高性价比著称。 更新最畅销的机器! 进一步提高车身刚度, 提高工件的接近性、可维护性和易用性。 每个进给导向面均遵循具有出色精度和刚度的方形滑动导轨。 从模具和一般零件加工到钛等难加工材料的加工。 OKK 致力于加强我们的服务网络,并建立了支持系统,能够立即响应客户的要求,并为您提供更多安心。 去除一切多余功能,追求作为MC 基本要求的切削性能及精度,以高性价比著称。