Ōko | Seiyapedia | Fandom
Ōko (王虎 Wang-Hu) is an anime-only warrior who trained alongside Shiryu in Rozan under Dohko 's tutelage, in order to obtain the Dragon Bronze Cloth and become a Saint. He was …
Ōko | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Ōko (王虎, Pinyin: Wang Hǔ, King Tiger) Oko is a mighty warrior and a villain of the manga Saint Seiya and the anime series of the same name. Only appears in the animated version of the …
Ōko | Saint Seiya Wiki | Fandom
Ōko u Okko (王虎, Ōko) es un personaje que aparece sólo en el Anime, donde junto a Shiryū fue de los discípulos del viejo maestro hasta que este lo expulso dado los comportamientos …
Ouko (Saint Seiya) - MyAnimeList.net
Read more information about the character Ouko from Saint Seiya? At MyAnimeList, you can find out about their voice actors, animeography, pictures and much more! MyAnimeList is the …
Saint Seiya - Wikipedia
Saint Seiya (Japanese: 聖闘士星矢 ( セイントセイヤ ), Hepburn: Seinto Seiya), also known as Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac or simply Knights of the Zodiac (translated from the French …
Ōko — SaintSeiyaPedia
Ōko est un "bad boy" typique, anti-héros par excellence. Ce personnage a une particularité rare dans Saint Seiya, celle d'être un combattant qui n'appartient à aucun groupe, un véritable …
圣斗士星矢Time Odyssey - 百度百科
《圣斗士星矢Time Odyssey》是由圣斗士原著作者车田正美授权、秋田书店以及法国KAKA出版社共同制作的圣斗士外传作品,故事时间线是发生在星矢等人打败白银圣斗士之后到“黄道十二 …
Ohko - Saint Seiya Wiki | Fandom
Ohko (オウコ, Ouko) foi um antigo aprendiz de Dohko de Libra e rival de Shiryu pela conquista da Armadura de Dragão. É um personagem exclusivo do anime produzido pela Toei em 1986. …
Ōko – Seiya.com.br
2022年8月30日 · Aficionado sectário de Saint Seiya desde 1994, sou um misoneísta ranzinza. Impelido pela inexorável missão de traduzir todas as publicações oficiais da série clássica, …
#Okôの人気イラストやマンガ - pixiv - pixiv(ピクシブ)