OKY, Yes tú puedes - login.oky.app
Soporte USA: +1 888 987 0057 USA: +1 305 749 5530 Guatemala: +502 2429-6300 El Salvador +50321130203 Honduras +50422170378 Argentina +541150328109 Mexico: +52 5585262317
OKY App – Envía vales prepagados de USA a Latinoamérica
OKY es una app con la que puedes enviar la compra del super 🛒, comida rápida 🍗, gasolina ⛽, y mucho más, con vales digitales desde USA a Latinoamérica. . ️ ¿Cómo funciona? . 1. Descarga la App y elige qué quieres enviar . 2. Selecciona quien lo recibe . 3. ¡Listo! Lo canjean en la tienda más cercana .
OKY App - Send prepaid vouchers from the USA to Latin America
With OKY you can choose what you want to send to your loved ones so that they receive it instantly. That’s it! They can redeem it at the nearest store. The best way to care for, be close to and support your family. It arrives to them instantly and they redeem it whenever they want.
Oky Home
Oky is the world’s first period tracker app for girls and created with girls. It provides information about menstruation in fun, creative and positive ways, straight into girls’ hands through the tools they use every day – mobile phones.
OKY App – Envía vales prepagados de USA a Latinoamérica
Monto máximo de envíos por mes: El usuario puede enviar vales desde su cuenta OKY hasta por un monto máximo agregado mensual de DOS MIL DÓLARES DE EE.UU. (US$2,000.00). Una vez el usuario alcance dicho monto máximo de US$2,000.00 en envíos en un mismo mes calendario, solamente se le permitirá hacer nuevos envíos hasta el siguiente mes.
Oky: Co-created with girls, for girls | UNICEF Office of Innovation
2020年4月28日 · Oky provides girls with information about their periods in fun, creative and positive ways, delivered straight into their hands through the tools they use every day — mobile phones. Available as an Android app, Oky’s features include individualized cycle trackers and calendars, tips, and menstruation information.
¡Bienvenido! - OKY
oky description. oky description ¡Bienvenido! Crea tu cuenta para canjear tus premios. País. Guatemala. countryId. Área. Área. Número de teléfono. Número de teléfono. Recibir Código. Contáctanos: 🇬🇹 Guatemala: +502 2429-6300; 🇸🇻 El Salvador: +503 2113-0203 ...
Oky APK for Android Download - APKPure.com
2025年3月11日 · Oky is a mobile app for girls (age 10+) that helps you to take control of your periods and your lives through a bit of fun! With Oky you can track how your period affects your body and mood so you can get to know you, get personalised predictions so you can plan ahead, and learn the facts with trustworthy information and tips to stay healthy ...
Oky’s features - okyapp.info
Oky’s encyclopedia has everything you need to know about periods and your body. It’s packed with trustworthy, quality information, all vetted by global health experts. Oky’s encyclopedia also features specific content for girls with disabilities. Keep track of how you feel every day to …
Oky: Trailblazing Girl-Centered Tech - UNICEF
2021年10月11日 · Oky is the world’s first digital menstruation app co-created with and for girls. The app provides evidence-based information about periods, puberty, and reproductive health in fun, creative and positive ways, straight into girls’ hands.