Ola WEEN | Senior Researcher | SINTEF, Trondheim | Stiftelsen for ...
Ola WEEN, Senior Researcher | Cited by 5 | of SINTEF, Trondheim (Stiftelsen for industriell og teknisk forskning) | Read 4 publications | Contact Ola WEEN
Ola Ween - SINTEF Nordvest - SINTEF Nordvest AS - SINTEF
I have 15+ years of experience with R&D based thinking and problem solving within biotechnology, medicine and biology. On a daily basis, this helps me to uncover new …
Ola Ween - Senior Researcher - Biomarine R&D - SINTEF | LinkedIn
I have 15+ years of experience with R&D based thinking and problem solving within biotechnology, medicine and biology. On a daily basis, this helps me to uncover new …
- 职位: Senior Research Scientist- …
- 位置: SINTEF
Ola WEEN | Senior Researcher | Doctor of Philosophy
Ola WEEN, Senior Researcher | Cited by 480 | of Møreforsking, Volda | Read 8 publications | Contact Ola WEEN
Nutritional and functional properties of fishmeal produced from fresh by-products of cod (Gadus morhua L.) and saithe (Pollachius virens). *Corresponding author. E-mail address: …
Identification of DNA binding sites for ComE, a key regulator of ...
2002年3月1日 · In this report, we show that ComE is a DNA‐binding protein that acts autocatalytically by binding to a region in its own promoter. Two additional ComE binding sites …
(PDF) ComE DNA Binding Sites in S. pneumoniae Competence
In this report, we show that ComE is a DNA-binding protein that acts autocatalytically by binding to a region in its own promoter. Two additional ComE binding sites were identified in the …
Overall Processes for preparation of chitin from fish scales
In the present study, the effect of different process parameters such as concentration of acid, concentration of alkali, ratio between solid and solvent, reaction time, and temperature for...
SKAPARKRAFT – Grøn industriell omstilling av råglyserol
2024年8月27日 · SINTEF Nordvest og fem ledende bedrifter innen tilvirkning av omega-3-konsentrater, forsker på nye bruksmåter for en sidestrøm som oppstår under tilvirking, nemlig …
☎️ OLA ENERGY TUNISIE - Petrole, Naphte, Gasoil Essence - Ween…
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