Flag of Hong Kong (1871–1997) - Wikipedia
The flag of Hong Kong from 1871 to 1997 was a Blue Ensign with the coat of arms of Hong Kong on a white disk. In Hong Kong, it is known as the Hong Kong flag (香港旗), British Hong Kong flag (英屬香港旗) or the Dragon and Lion flag (龍獅旗). [1]
香港旗 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
香港旗(英語: Hong Kong Flag ),又稱英屬香港旗(British Hong Kong Flag),是英屬香港時期代表香港的旗幟 [1] ,由英國藍船旗衍生。 香港旗於1871年首度出現,一直使用至1997年 香港主權移交 為止。
List of Hong Kong flags - Wikipedia
Flag of the Regional Council (Hong Kong) A stylized Bauhinia blakeana leaf outline in white, in the form of a diagonally-tilted capital "R", on a green background, representing the green of the leaves. 1960s–1999: Flag of the Urban Council (Hong Kong)
Flag of Hong Kong | Bauhinia Flower, Meaning & Colors
Its emblem, the bauhinia flower, is a traditional emblem of Hong Kong; previously it had appeared on colonial stamps and coins. The five petals and red stars reflect the use of that number in traditional Chinese symbolism and represent the five major regions of China.
Flag of Hong Kong - Wikipedia
The flag of Hong Kong from 1871 to 1997 was a Blue Ensign with the coat of arms of Hong Kong on a white disk. In Hong Kong, it is known as the Hong Kong flag (香港旗), British Hong Kong flag (英屬香港旗) or the Dragon and Lion flag (龍獅旗). [28]
Colonial Hong Kong - CRW Flags
2020年7月31日 · Hong Kong was never granted a defaced Red Ensign, so the proper colours for a Hong Kong registered vessel would have been the plain Red Ensign. They could of course fly the Blue Ensign in addition to indicate their nationality, just as British vessels sometimes fly St. Andrew's flags or Red Dragons.
香港旗幟列表 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
香港現時的代表旗幟是 香港特別行政區區旗。 五星花蕊洋紫荊花紅旗,以紅色作底色,中央有一朵五星花蕊的白色洋紫荊花圖案。 底色與中華人民共和國國旗的紅色為標準,而洋紫荊花則是香港的象徵。 1997年香港特別行政區成立後,「洋」字被省略,變成「紫荆 花」,但事實上, 洋紫荊 與 紫荊 是不同的物種,為同科不同屬 [1]。 立法會主席 曾鈺成 曾在專欄文章提及此問題,指《基本法》中文條文說是「紫荊花」,可能是為了去殖民化,但這樣的話特區的區旗和區徽便不符 …
About: Flag of Hong Kong (1871–1997) - DBpedia Association
The Flag of Hong Kong from 1871 to 1997 was a Blue Ensign with the coat of arms of Hong Kong on a white disk. In Hong Kong, it is also nicknamed the Hong Kong flag (香港旗), British Hong Kong flag (英屬香港旗) or the Dragon and Lion flag (龍獅旗).
My Old Hong Kong - Flag Badges, Seals and Arms of Hong Kong
In this book, he investigated the development of various arms and insignia used in Hong Kong, which provides very comprehensive information regarding the design, adoption and related controversies of badges, seals and arms of Hong Kong during the Colonial period.
My Old Hong Kong - 中譯本 - myoldhk.polar-bear.org
Flag Badges, Seals and Arms of Hong Kong 香港旗徽、公印及紋章(中譯對照本)