Old maps of Jalalabad
Discover the past of Jalalabad on historical maps.
賈拉拉巴德 (阿富汗) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
该城古代为 佛教 中心, 法显 、 玄奘 等均曾经过。 现址为 莫卧儿帝国 阿克巴大帝 所建,为阿富汗同巴基斯坦间的交通重镇。 阿富汗内战 中,该城成为 塔利班 和 北方联盟 争夺的中心之一,据信 奧薩瑪·本·拉登 也在该城驻扎过,致使其遭到严重毁坏。 ^ 存档副本 (PDF). [2015-06-20]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-03-04). ^ 中国大百科全书(第二版). 中国大百科全书出版社. 2009年4月. ISBN 9787500079583.
Kabul Gate of Jalalabad - Armish Khan - Medium
2024年11月4日 · The photograph below was taken in 1879 by an Englishman, John Brooke, and shows a wooden gate opening onto the road to Kabul in a large earthen wall built around the city of Jalalabad,...
Best Historical Landmarks in Jalal-Abad, Afghanistan
2022年10月17日 · One of the best historical landmarks in Jalal-Abad, Afghanistan, is the Shakh Fazil Mausoleum. A visit to this great site will allow you to explore the grand and ancient complex of the Shakh Fazil Mausoleum in the Alabuka district of the Jalal-Abad region.
History of Pashtuns: Jalalabad [Afghanistan]
2018年3月23日 · The old name of Jalalabad was Jui Shahi. The Jalalabad fort was built by Mun‘im Khan ( a Mughal noble under both emperors Humayun and Akbar) and received its name in compliment to Akbar, (one of whose names was Jalal-ud-din), and who got Jui Shahi as his appanage in succession to his uncle Hindal, whose daughter also he married.
賈拉拉巴德 (阿富汗) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
該城古代為 佛教 中心, 法顯 、 玄奘 等均曾經過。 現址為 蒙兀兒帝國 阿克巴大帝 所建,為阿富汗同巴基斯坦間的交通重鎮。 阿富汗內戰 中,該城成為 塔利班 和 北方聯盟 爭奪的中心之一,據信 奧薩瑪·賓·拉登 也在該城駐紮過,致使其遭到嚴重毀壞。 ^ 存档副本 (PDF). [2015-06-20]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2010-03-04). ^ 中国大百科全书(第二版). 中國大百科全書出版社. 2009年4月. ISBN 9787500079583.
John Burke (1843-1900) - City wall of Jalalabad where General …
Photograph of the city wall of Jalalabad where General William Elphinstone was buried in 1842. The wall is made of a rough stone and is raised at the left end. A row of Afghan men wearing loose robes and turbans are arranged in a row in front of the wall. In the foreground to the right there are two trees on a raised mound.
Vintage Khyber Pass and Jalalabad | Exploring Old Khyber Pass …
In this video, we've unearthed rare vintage footage, revealing the beauty and history of the region. Let the vintage memories come alive as we walk through the old streets and unveil the charm of...
贾拉拉巴德(吉尔吉斯斯坦下属州)_百度 ... - 百度百科
该州位于 吉尔吉斯斯坦 西南部,其西为 乌兹别克斯坦共和国。 州首府贾拉拉巴德市始建于1877年。 2003年初,人口7.65万,是吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国西南部的轻工和食品工业中心。 当地木工厂用核桃木制作的家具远近闻名。 该州的矿藏主要有煤炭、石油和建材原料。 工业有电力、机电、建材、轻工、食品等部门,农业中植棉业和园艺业发达,是共和国的主要产棉区和葡萄瓜果产地。 经济作物 还有烟草。 畜牧业 在农业中所占比重较小。 贾拉拉巴德州始建于1939年11月21日, …
Jalalabad (Afghanistan) History - TravelSetu.com
Jalalabad, the regional capital of Nangarhar Province in eastern Afghanistan, has historically been a significant hub of trade and cultural exchange. Given its strategic location, nestled at the base of the bustling Spin Ghar (White Mountain) range and situated on the trade routes linking Central Asia to the Indian subcontinent, Jalalabad has ...