PCChips/Hsin Tech M919 v1.x - The Retro Web
PCChips/Hsin Tech M919 v1.x is a motherboard based on the UMC UM82C881 (UM8881 HB4 Super Energy Star Green w/IDE) chipset. Get specs, BIOS, documentation and more!
The infamous PC Chips m919 \ VOGONS
2024年7月19日 · I've gotten my hands the infamous PC Chips m919 motherboard, and like a lot of you; its not the easiest board to work with. AND I need help. any idea what PCI video cards …
浅谈贫铀穿甲弹,我们应当了解的知识 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年3月27日 · M919 25mm穿甲弹. 例如布雷德利M2步兵战车上的25mm机关炮就使用了M919穿甲弹,这就是一种小型化的尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹。 除了美国还有哪些国家用贫铀穿甲 …
M919 owners \ VOGONS
2011年5月18日 · There is nothing fancy about the module, it contains SRAM pieces, a few capacitors, and a few resistors. The project would be to desoldier an existing M919 module, …
PCChips M919 v3.4B/F BIOS Update fail \ VOGONS
2019年1月12日 · I could flash the BIOS of my original M919 v3.4B/F just fine. Also, I've never seen an M919 with a BIOS chip that says "M919" on it. If it does, it's probably *not* original. …
I'm warning you about PC Chips Motherboards : r ... - Reddit
2019年5月7日 · The M919 had fake cache chips onboard with traces that go nowhere and a proprietary slot (looks similar to a COAST module from the Pentium 1 days but it isn't) for …
ISA/VLB/PCI 486 motherboard I recently picked up. No fake ... - Reddit
2021年12月19日 · I actually have several M919 COASt modules, got them in a lot of a couple kg worth of various old memory sticks a few years ago. But I haven't had the luck of finding one of …
2020年10月20日 · 更加恐怖的弹比如说M919,即尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲曳光弹(APFSDS-T),因为其弹头使用贫铀所打造,拥有比M791更加恐怖的穿透能力,换句话说打的就是贫铀弹,这种 …
PC Chips m919 V3.4bf jumper config set correct for first boot?
2024年3月28日 · you can get a modern replacement https://github.com/pancakepuppy/M919_3.3V_1MB_cachestick. if you wanna make your own, …
M919 Cartridge 25mm, Armor Piercing, Fin Stabilized, Discarding …
The 25mm Armor-Piercing, Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot with tracer (APFSDS-T) M919 has been designed and developed to replace the currently fielded M791 cartridge as the service …