usage - When to use "olda" instead of "maljuna"? - Esperanto …
Olda is one of a handful of "neo" antonyms to have found a place in Esperanto. It is borrowed from Ido and it means both maljuna and malnova , with a tang of "venerable, elder", simultaneously casual and respectful, a bit like the Chinese word lăo 老.
Ĉu oni povas uzi la vortojn "maleta", "malolda", "malfrida"?
Jan 22, 2020 · Mi lernis ke oni povas konstrui vortojn uzanta la prefikso "mal" por esprimi la malon de la vortoj sen la prefikso: granda ⇒ malgranda varma ⇒ malvarma juna ⇒ maljuna Sed, ĉu oni povas uzi la saman
Are there no "true" antonyms in Esperanto?
Sep 8, 2020 · olda / maljuna: 0,0444; What's the role of antonyms that don't being with -mal? Some few of the mal-mal-vortoj are used regularly and accepted as common parts of the language. Others are more or less reserved for the following uses: poetic texts, e.g., song lyrics or …
Why some esperanto-speakers call others "samideano"?
Sep 29, 2024 · It's a reference to la interna ideo, which Zamenhof described in this way.. La interna ideo of Esperanto, which is in no way obligatory for any individual Esperantist, but which [...] is and always should be key during Esperanto Congresses, is this: with a neutral linguistic foundation, that barriers between peoples be removed and that people become accustomed to …
phrase requests - Does there exist a mnemonic in Esperanto for …
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
How did Ido influence Esperanto grammatically?
Also not exactly grammar, but some of the anti-mal- words introduced as "poetic" words in the 1920s are the same in Ido (olda, kurta, basa, streta but frida vs kolda, liva vs sinistra), which had foregrounded the criticism of such words; and some of their …
When do you use "si" and "sia" instead of "li" and "lia"?
Sep 27, 2024 · Use si or sia when referring to the already-introduced subject of the sentence:. La virino rigardis la bildon antaŭ si-> "The woman looked at the picture in front of her", the picture is in front of the subject of the sentence ("the woman")
When one uses "povu" instead of "devas", what is the nuance?
May 6, 2018 · Povu probably means "should", according to the Esperanto Bible: https://bit.ly/2FMTKVo However, we already have devi. So I wonder, is there any nuance being expressed here? I looked up PIV, Wiki...
usage - Why "si" is not used in "Ŝi pensas, ke ŝi vidas grandajn ...
Jul 22, 2023 · Ŝi pensas, ke ŝi vidas grandajn insektojn. In this sentence, I thought the second ŝi should be si because both ŝi refer to the same woman.
usage - When to use "ĝin" and "tion" - Esperanto Language Stack …
Oct 20, 2016 · This is the logic I follow: Nouns are replaced with ĝin Mi ŝatas la filmon. Mi ŝatas ĝin. While tio replaces longer phrases. Mi ŝatas, ke la filmo finiĝas feliĉe. Mi ŝatas tion. I see this most