Oleh Krysa - Wikipedia
Oleg/Oleh Krysa (Russian: Олег Крыса Ukrainian: Олег Криса; born June 1, 1942) is an American violinist of Ukrainian Origin, Laureate of International Competitions, Honored Artist of Ukrainian SSR (1970), Laureate of Lenin Komsomol Prize (1970), Merited Artist of Ukraine.
Oleh Krysa - Eastman School of Music
The Ukrainian-American violinist Oleh Krysa is long esteemed in the former USSR as a distinguished soloist, chamber musician and teacher.
Oleh Krysa
Welcome It was the human voice -- his own mother's, actually -- that first led Oleh Krysa to pick up the violin at the age of 6. In Krysa's native Ukraine, the average person is by that tender age already steeped in an extensive repertoire of Ukrainian folk songs. "I became a musician," Krysa explains, "because of Ukrainian folk music."
Biography ~ Oleh Krysa
Inspired by the folk music of his native Ukraine, violinist Oleh Krysa first picked up the violin at the age of 6. By that age, the average Ukranian child is already fluent in a full repertoire of folk songs. “Every party,” explains Krysa, “every celebration, every …
Career Overview ~ Oleh Krysa
Currently Professor of Violin at the Eastman School of Music, Krysa began his teaching career in 1967 as chairman of the Violin Department at the Kiev Conservatory. While teaching at the Kiev Conservatory, Krysa remained very active as a performer.
, chamber musician and teacher. A prominent student of David Oistrakh, Krysa won major prizes in such international competitions as the Wieniawski (1962), Tchaikovsky (1966), and Montreal (1969), and was outright winner of . he Paganini Competition (1963). Oleh Krysa began his teaching career as chairman of the Violin Depa.
大咖面对面 · 享誉世界的小提琴大师Oleh Krysa(上)
2017年11月28日 · 在第一期的“大咖面对面”中,我们邀请到前苏联著名的小提琴大师、苏联小提琴学派的代表人物之一,伊斯曼音乐学院终身教授Oleh Kyrsa教授。 除了获得了多项国际比赛之外,他还是传奇小提琴大师奥伊斯特拉赫的助教和最杰出的学生之一。 他将和蜻蜓古典的乐迷谈一谈他的演奏生涯、对音乐的看法以及他与传奇小提琴大师奥伊斯特拉赫的点点滴滴。 他如歌般的琴声是不可复制的,有着特殊的“Krysa”印记。 他的演奏代表了苏联小提琴学派的最高水平。 此 …
Oleh Krysa | Davis Center
2019年3月13日 · The Ukrainian-American violinist Oleh Krysa was long esteemed in the former USSR as a distinguished soloist, chamber musician and teacher. A student of David Oistrakh, Oleh Krysa won major prizes in such international competitions as the Wieniawski, Tchaikovsky and Montreal, and was outright winner of the Paganini Competition.
Oleh Krysa - cimcompetition.com
乌克兰裔美国小提琴家欧雷•克利萨,曾长期在前苏联被誉为杰出的独奏家、室内音乐家和教师。 他1971年在卡内基音乐厅举行了美国首演,赢得了评论界的热烈好评,《纽约时报》评论道“如果他此前默默无闻,那么这场演出将令这个小提琴手声名鹊起”。 在美国音乐会舞台缺席18年后,他1990年在卡内基音乐厅和肯尼迪中心的出现再次获得了评论界极高的赞誉,并稳固了他小提琴大师的地位。 作为大卫·奥斯特拉赫(David Oistrakh)的杰出弟子,欧雷•克利萨在国际亨里克·维 …
Oleh Krysa, violin - InterHarmony International School of Music
The Ukrainian-American violinist Oleh Krysa, long esteemed in the former USSR as a distinguished soloist, chamber musician and teacher. A prominent student of David Oistrakh, Oleh Krysa won major prizes in such international competitions as the Wieniawski, Tchaikovsky and Montreal, and was outright winner of the Paganini Competition.