SK-10 Concealed Blade Safety Knife with Replaceable Blade - OLFA…
When you continually need a sharp blade at the ready, the OLFA SK-10 Concealed Blade Safety Knife offers both utility and safety. The wide throat allows for easy access to the blade while protecting the user from accidental blade exposure.
Olfa SK-10 Safety Knife, Concealed Blade — OlfaProducts
The blade in this OLFA knife is concealed, giving you continual blade exposure as well as enhanced safety. The knife also features a cutting channel that holds the material in place and builds force for greater cutting ease.
SK-10|OLFA CORPORATION【Official site】
One reversible single-edged carbon-tool-steel-made SKB-10 blade safely provides 4 cutting points, superior durability and sharpness. No extra tools required to replace blades. The beak-shaped guide allows to lift the object and cut. Perfect for cutting shrinkwrap, PP bands, bubble wrap without damaging the cargo.
OLFA Concealed Blade Safety Utility Knife (SK-10) - Multi-Purpose ...
2012年3月1日 · CONCEALED BLADE - OLFA's Concealed Blade Safety Knife helps prevent injury and product damage. The 4mm wide throat allows for continual, protected blade exposure. It removes the need to repeatedly extend the blade from the handle during use.
OLFA SK10 1096854 SK-10 Concealed Blade Safety Knife (Pack …
2017年8月27日 · The OLFA concealed blade safety knife features an adjustable blade positioning design which allows for 4 cutting points on a single-edge utility blade. Highly productive, it delivers 4x's more cuts than a single-edge, fixed blade "gooseneck" safety knife.
- 评论数: 5
OLFA Disposable Concealed Blade Safety Knife, 10 Knives (SK-15/10 ...
2019年6月3日 · 10 MULTIPURPOSE KNIVES - This pack includes 10 NSF Certified, disposable safety knives that reduce the chance of workplace injuries. Great for cutting light and heavy-duty materials like bagged goods, cardboard, film, strapping, shrink wrap and more.
- 评论数: 11
OLFA SK-10 - Safety knife. OLFA's hidden blade safety knife. Especially in warehouses, shrink wrapped goods without damages. At the front of the knife there is a small metal ear to open glued boxes. SK-10 Review Video.
OLFA 日本安全拆箱刀開箱刀SK-10包裝繩切斷器(握把抗丙酮;右左 …
skb-10刀片採用日本高品質工具用碳鋼,較安全的單面切緣,可調換方向而提供了四個 切割段數,更換刀片不需要另外的工具。 【廠牌】olfa 世界上第一家開發出折刃式美工刀的廠家;目前美工刀片的長、寬、厚,不少依其為製作標準。 【型號】sk-10
【SK-10】OLFA爱利华 SK-10收缩膜塑料袋用安全工作刀 美工刀
品牌: 爱利华(olfa) 商品名称:sk-10; 商品编号:100083767169; 材质:碳素工具钢; 更多参数>>
OLFA 新型安全工作刀 SK-10 切收縮包裝塑膠帶和緩衝材料
安全工作刀SK-10,用於切割收縮膜包裝、塑膠帶及襯墊材料。 替換刀片:SKB-10/10B 。 刀片暗藏於刀把獨特之4m/m"鵝頸"處,使得要裁切的物品(如包裝膜)可以伸入至切割 的刀片處。 刀柄附設一支小型不鏽鋼之膠帶切開器。