The OLI Paradigm as a comprehensive model of FDI
2020年9月15日 · Purpose This study aims to advance a sub-national perspective within the OLI Paradigm by analyzing how and to what extent the Eclectic Paradigm can serve as a general model to capture...
3 A critical reflection and some conclusions on OLI
2003年9月25日 · Par la suite, nous avons conduit à travers une deuxième étude de cas, une analyse comparative de deux cadres théoriques distincts (modèle OLI et LLL).
OLI on the Map. Exploring Dunning's Eclectic Paradigm and FDI Motives ...
In this video, we learn about the classical international business concepts developed by J. Dunning: OLI framework and motives for foreign direct investment. ...more. Known mostly as...
Eclectic Paradigm: Definition, Example, Advantages
2024年8月28日 · The eclectic paradigm, often termed the ownership, location, internalization (OLI) model, stands as a potent evaluation framework for foreign direct investment (FDI). Introduced by scholar John H. Dunning in 1979, this model integrates internalization theory, focusing on businesses’ propensity to choose internal operations over external ...
Rethinking the O in Dunning’s OLI/Eclectic Paradigm
John Dunning introduced the OLI (Ownership-Location-Internalization) paradigm 37 years ago to explain the origin, level, pattern, and growth of MNEs’ offshore activities. Over the years, OLI...
For more than two decades, the eclectic OLI paradigm developed by John Dunning has provided a unifying framework for research on multinational enterprises. Numerous scholars, including John Dunning himself,
The OLI Paradigm as a comprehensive model of FDI determinants…
2020年9月14日 · This study aims to advance a sub-national perspective within the OLI Paradigm by analyzing how and to what extent the Eclectic Paradigm can serve as a general model to capture region-specific aspects of the location determinants of FDI, encompassing institutional effects that extend beyond the quality of institutions.,The authors conducted a ...
OLI addresses three of the five kindergarten questions – the why, where and how of MNE activities. Each of these questions can be addressed at a dif-ferent level: macro (big picture, country), meso (mid picture, industry) or micro (firm, top management team).
The OLI Paradigm as a comprehensive model of FDI ... - ScienceGate
Findings – The paper suggests that the (L) component within the ownership location and internalization (OLI) paradigm should be disaggregated into continuous “distance effects” and discrete “border effects”.
Oli i K h d S th T llOlivier Koch and Seth TellerOe ocadSe ee MIT C t S i d A tifi i l I t lli L b tMIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratorypgy {khkoch, teller}@tll }@teller}@}@csail mit edcsail mit educsail.mit.eduil it d IiilInitial trajectoryjjy (d h d)(dashed)() andd guidancegid