Nutergioa Oligomax
Oligomax: a complete, innovative solution. The Oligomax range, developed by Nutergia, is the fruit of decades of scientific expertise in the field of oligotherapy. These products combine the benefits of trace elements with modern formulations tailored to the body's specific needs.
- 评论数: 23
OLiGOMAX multimineral - Nutergia Laboratory - Dietary …
OLiGOMAX multimineral is a food supplement which combines all trace elements from sea water and from lithothamnion, a mineral-rich algae, as well as selected trace elements, contributing to the general wellbeing of the body. Copper supports the proper functioning of the immune system, selenium helps protect cells against oxidative stress and ...
OLIGOMAX BETA - Agronutrition
Oligomax improves the nutritional status of the crop. Used in foliar spraying or in soil , it activates the metabolism of each vegetal cell. This action on the whole plant improves the photosynthesis and the capacity of taking the mineral elements through the root system.
OLiGOMAX Iodine - Nutergia Laboratory - Dietary supplements
Dietary supplement based on concentrated sodium-free sea water and patented French extract of lithothamnium, sources of minerals and trace elements. Improved formula for better tolerance. Free of alcohol, sugar, sweetener and artificial flavourings.
Oligomax LHA ampollas Oligoelementos - La Farmacia …
Este producto es un medicamento homeopático. No exceder su consumo. Leer indicaciones y contraindicaciones. Si los síntomas persisten, consultar al médico.
OLiGOMAX Molybdenum - Nutergia Laboratory - Dietary …
Dietary supplement based on concentrated sodium-free sea water and patented French extract of lithothamnium, sources of minerals and trace elements. Improved formula for better tolerance. Free of alcohol, sugar, sweetener and artificial flavourings.
Oligomax LHA (Caja de 5 ampollas) - Alimentarte Saludable
Oligomax LHA Medicamento homeopático Indicaciones: La labor de los Oligoelementos en el organismo, está estrechamente ligada con las enzimas (proteínas elaboradas por el organismo que actúan como biocatalizadores), ejercen labores estructurales y metabólicas, estimulan o inhiben la función hormonal, regulan las respuestas fisiológicas ...
OLIGOMAX AMPOLLA X 2 ML L.H.A - Farmacia Homeopática …
OLIGOMAX AMPOLLA X 2 ML L.H.A. Este producto requiere fórmula médica. Productos de prescripción Médica. Por su seguridad NO se automedique. Este producto es un medicamento homeopático. No exceder su consumo. Leer indicaciones y contraindicaciones. Si los síntomas persisten, consultar al médico.
Oligomax Chromium 150ml - CrisDietética-Suplementos Online
Food supplement based on sodium-free seawater concentrate and patented French Lithothanum extract, sources of minerals and trace elements. Improved formula for better tolerance. Take 5 ml a day in 1 glass of water (150 ml). Store in a cool, dry place, away from light. If any reaction occurs, stop using.
Oligomax - HomeoNatura
Estimula o inhibe la función hormonal. Regulan las respuestas fisiológicas, la velocidad y la calidad de la transmisión nerviosda y la excreción de desechos en los procesos celulares. Son catalizadores que permiten la transformación química de grandes cantidades de sustratos. Producen los componentes necesarios para todos los procesos vitales.
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