BCAA Xplode Powder 20:1:1 - Olimp
BCAA Xplode™ is an extreme dose – of as much as 5000mg of the purest crystalline BCAA amino acids per portion mixed with 1000mg L-citrulline with the addition of minerals and vitamin B6. It is the richest combo on the market! BCAA amino acids are the basic ingredient of muscles and make up almost 40% of their dry weight!
Home page - Olimp Sport Nutrition
Olimp Sport Nutrition dietary supplements and nutritional supplements are recommended by internationally titled professional athletes as well as amateurs and sports enthusiasts who promote a healthy lifestyle on social media. We know how important a role dietary supplements and nutritional supplements play in achieving sports goals.
BCAA 1100 Mega Caps® - 30 Capsules - Olimp Sport Nutrition
Recommended use: take 1 portion (3 capsules) 3 times a day, drinking with a large amount of water – before breakfast, before training, after training or before sleep. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Food supplements should not …
Olimp BCAA Xplode Powder® - 500 g - Olimp Store
Olimp BCAA Xplode Powder® to kompleks wysokiej jakości podstawowych aminokwasów BCAA w proszku z dwukrotną przewagą L-leucyny nad L-waliną i L-izoleucyną. Każda z porcji (10 g) zawiera aż 6 g BCAA. Produkt uzupełniono o L-glutaminę oraz witaminę B 6.
- 评论数: 11
BCAA Powder & capsules - Olimp Sport Nutriton
Choose the best branched chain amino acids (BCAA) from Olimp Sport Nutrition! Support for athletes in building muscle mass.
Olimp BCAA Xplode Powder Energy – 500 g
Olimp BCAA Xplode Energy – food supplement in powder, containing branched chain amino acids BCAA complex (L-leucine, L-valine and L-isoleucine) in the 2:1:1 proportion with beta-alanine, caffeine and vitamin B6. With sweeteners. Vitamin B6 contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
BCAA Xplode - 500 g - Olimp Sport Nutrition - MOREmuscle
2021年6月23日 · Olimp BCAA Xplode 500 g Unique BCAA formula to make the strongest man of the world! It has been demonstrated in numerous studies that the BCAA's improve the recovery between trainings, diminish the pain after the exercise, increase the proportion of burned fat, as well as conserve the vital muscular tissue.
BCAA 1100 Mega Caps® - 120 Capsules - Olimp Sport Nutrition
PROFI BCAA 1100 MEGA CAPS Food supplement. Branched chain amino acids complex with vitamin B6 in capsules. A composition of branched chain amino acids (L-leucine, L-valine, L-isoleucine) in proportion of 2:1:1, enriched with vitamin B6 which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. PROFI BCAA 1100 MEGA CAPS Food supplement.
Olimp Sport Nutrition | プロテイン | BCAA | スポーツサプリメント
Olimp Sport Nutrition-品質と革新性、妥協を許さない卓越したアプローチで知られる、世界で最も要求の厳しいアスリート向けの栄養補助食品
Porsiyon başına en yüksek dozajlı BCAA içeriği. Porsiyonda 6000 mg BCAA içermektedir. BCAA XPLODE, dallanmış zincirli amino asitlerin 2:1:1 oranıyla kombinasyonudur. Ürün üstün etkinlik için Glutamin ile desteklenmiştir. Optimal oranda Glutamin içerir. B6 Vitamini ile zenginleştirilmiştir.
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