Ollo Courses Learning Platform
Ollo offers more courses than any other platform - not in sheer numbers, but in limitless possibilities. With AI, you can create a custom course tailored precisely to your interests. …
OLLO Audio
"OLLO headphones feel like using an audio microscope! They help me find the sweet spot of every sound I record, capturing exactly what I hear without any extra processing. This clarity …
OLLO Audio 推出采用 AI 校准技术的专业监听耳机 X1 - midifan
2024年11月1日 · 通过独立房间和平坦调音技术,可修正大多数录音室的频率响应问题,提供与世界上声学环境最佳的录音室相媲美的监听体验。 OLLO Audio X1 的每个单元都经过单独测试 …
Data.olllo:数据文件分割的神器! - 知乎专栏
别怕,有了Data.olllo,数据处理就像小游戏一样简单! 方法一:瞬间切分数据. 不用打开文件,点一下“切割文件”! 选文件、选分割方式(比如文件行数)。 Data.olllo就像魔术师一样,一切 …
Hello, hi, hey 可不能随便乱用! - 知乎专栏
Hi 和 hey 都是 Hello 的非正式版本。 这三者都能用来引起他人注意、表达惊讶、感兴趣、生气,具体用哪个主要取决于双方的熟悉程度。 当然,它们也都是打招呼的方式:
打招呼用 Hello 跟用 Hi 或者用 Hey 的区别是什么 ... - 知乎
翻翻牛津字典,发现Hello本来并没有“你好”的意思。 它只是一个感叹词,表示惊讶,类似“我塞”这种。 例句:Oh hello, look what he brought back! 翻译:我塞,你看他都带回来些什么玩意 …
Ollo Audio S4X : r/headphones - Reddit
2021年7月14日 · The Ollo S4x has an impedence of 32 Ohm and an efficiancy of 108 dB. They run pretty much of your fridge, but yeah, they sound better with better equipment. When I got …
OLLO Whiz Hero High Grip Kids Shoes - Amazon.com
2024年11月11日 · Buy OLLO Whiz Hero High Grip Kids Shoes - Ninja, Parkour, Skateboarding, Biking, Freerunning, Obstacle Course, Light, Flexible, Ultra Traction and other Sneakers at …
OLLO Audio S4X - Gearspace
Designed and measured using IEC 60318-1 standard. Based on S4 model with upgrades requested by OLLO community. Flatter frequency response, more space for your ears and no …
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OLLO x Michelin. In performance footwear, the question is often – high grip or durability? Working closely with Michelin for the past two years, we’ve developed a rubber compound that provides …