OLLO High Performance Sneakers OLLO High Performance …
OLLO strives to make the world’s best footwear for Parkour, Freerunning, Ninja Warrior, World Chase Tag, and other movement sports, and to bring it to market in ways that raise awareness of the sports and inspire participation. OLLO High Performance Sneakers. Run Everything! The OLLO TEAM PACK is Back! The Wait is Over!
Ollo.Ninja - OLLO High Performance Sneakers
OLLO x Michelin. In performance footwear, the question is often – high grip or durability? Working closely with Michelin for the past two years, we’ve developed a rubber compound that provides both incredible grip and superior durability.
SAPIEN X - Own The Gym Archives
SAPIEN X - Own The Gym. The SapienX performs at the highest level. This OLLO shoe was built to dominate in the gym and increase your performance on any obstacle you encounter. Warped wall? World Chase Tag Quad? You won’t believe the grip. OLLO x Michelin® twitch grip rubber outsole. Adaptive Fit engineered knit upper. Natural Stance (2mm drop)
X1 – OLLO Audio
50mm dynamic driver at an angle in a fully wooden chassis. Fast-exchange earpads. Indestructible Stainlesssteel headband approved. Detachable cable with an option for custom upgrades.
OLLO Audio X1 | ステレオからイマーシブ・ミックスまで最良の …
OLLO Audio X1 は、「USCキャリブレーション II」を標準搭載し、ステレオからイマーシブ・ミックスに至るまで、いかなる局面においても最良のミックスを仕上げることができる万全の体制が整っています。
OpenCR入门教程-简介 - 创客智造
说明本教程简单介绍openCR板的背景和规格介绍OpenCR1.0是为ROS嵌入式系统开发的,可提供完全开源的硬件和软件该板的一切,包括TurtleBot3和OP3的原理图,PCB Gerber...
Ollo Audio S5X mixing headphones for immersive formats (e.g. Dolby Atmos, Sony 360) were designed and tuned in a way to help your mix translate between binaural and full speaker setup.
OLLO Audio / X1| SMITHS Digital Musical Instruments – SMITHS …
ラップトップ・ミキシングに革命を起こしたIEC 60318-1準拠の”残酷なまでに正直な”サウンド・エンジニア専用ヘッドフォン「S4X」の直接の後継機が登場します。 「S4X」を更新させるために集まった数々の受賞歴を持つ25名以上のワールドクラス・サウンド・エンジニア達と共に開発された「X1」は、ミックスのいかなる不整合も明らかにする別次元のファンタム・センターを持つミキシング・モニターとして帰ってきました。 さらに「USCキャリブレーションII」を標 …
S4X mixing and producing studio headphones – OLLO Audio
Ollo Audio S4X 1.3 studio headphones were deisgned for mixign, mastering and producing music in stereo formats. Their frequency response is tuned to a flat target developed with A level engineers working with industry leading names including Ed …
OLLO Audio Introduces X1 Studio Headphones - Page 3 - Gearspace
2024年11月15日 · Every X1 unit is individually tested and calibrated to fix any frequency response deviations from material and acoustics. The AI analytical power enables finetuning the X1 with another layer of precision. Futhermore, you can use the calibration data outside the plugin. It's not restricted to the plugin at all.