Olly - The First Home Robot with Personality - Indiegogo
Olly is the first home robot with an evolving personality that adapts to each individual. Designed to do more than just respond to commands, Olly’s advanced machine learning technology proactively assists you with your day-to-day routine by remembering your habits.
Olly - The First Home Robot with Personality — GreenLama
Olly is the first home robot with an evolving personality that adapts to each individual. Designed to do more than just respond to commands, Olly’s advanced machine learning technology proactively assists you with your day-to-day routine by remembering your habits.
“甜甜圈”语音机器人Olly ,拿到CES四项创新奖,要跟Echo争蛋糕
2016年11月14日 · Olly 是一款语音机器人,与亚马逊 Echo 和 Google Home 定位于普通家庭不同,Olly 将自己的用户选择在了都市白领,其核心功能是:提醒、优化日程安排,主打个性化和情感互动。 Olly 上半身长得像是一个“甜甜圈”,安装有 LED 灯;下半身是一个底座,内置 6 个麦克风。 “甜甜圈”与底座之间可以有 12 种角度变换,甚至可以绕着底座进行 360 度旋转。 Olly...
Olly是英国企业Emotech研发的AI语音机器人。 2017 年1月CES (国际消费电子产品展)2017最佳创新奖获奖产品名单公布,英国初创企业Emotech研发的AI语音机器人Olly一举拿下“智能家居” …
Olly is the home robot pal who will grow to be just like you
2017年1月4日 · Imagine if Alexa or Siri had tangible, bearable, unique personalities? Step forward, Olly -- the robot who evolves to suit you and your home over time.
Olly - The First Home Robot with Personality - YouTube
2017年9月28日 · Olly is the first home robot with an evolving personality that adapts to each individual. Designed to do more than just respond to commands, Olly’s advanced machine learning technology...
olly.bot - 适应性强的人工智能助手,适用于多设备生活方式
您在 iMessage 中的个人 AI 助理。 通过 Siri 在您的 iPhone、手表、MacBook 或 CarPlay 中使用。 基于网络的答案、图像生成、文档聊天、提醒等。 What is olly.bot? 认识 Olly,您的个人 AI 助理,可用于所有设备。 凭借高级学习功能,Olly 可无缝适应您的偏好和需求。 自适应学习:Olly 会持续学习您的互动,根据您的独特偏好和习惯定制其响应和建议。 多设备集成:在 iPhone、Mac、Apple Watch 和 CarPlay 上方便地访问 Olly,无论您走到哪里都能确保无缝协助。 自 …
olly.bot – 个人AI助理,集成多种通用AI能力支持本地使用
Olly.bot是集成于iMessage和SMS的个人AI助手,基于OpenAI大模型,提供网络搜索、文档分析、图片生成等功能。 Olly.bot无需下载、注册,不收集用户身份信息,保护隐私。
Olly the Robot: The Next Big Home Assistant? - DIGIT
2018年8月10日 · A project by Emotech and Heriot-Watt University has developed an innovative new robot, Olly, that marks a significant step in how conversation interfaces can be applied across various industry uses.
Olly Robot: The Smart Home Robot - CFP
The original prototype of Emotech's robot featured a single eye, but testing suggested that while some users loved this feature, others did not. Now, Olly is a black donut that rises to greet you when you wake it and swivels to face you when you address it.
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