A phase III, multicenter, randomized study of olvimulogene ...
2023年9月4日 · Olvimulogene nanivacirepvec (Olvi-Vec), with its strong immune modulating effect on the tumor microenvironment, may provide re-sensitization to platinum and clinically reverse platinum resistance or refractoriness in platinum-resistant/refractory ovarian cancer.
Clinical Activity of Olvimulogene Nanivacirepvec–Primed ...
Olvimulogene nanivacirepvec (Olvi-Vec; aka GL-ONC1; laboratory name: GLV-1h68) is a modified oncolytic vaccinia virus that selectively infects malignant cells and replicates especially well in ovarian and lung cancers. 4 Because ovarian cancer usually metastasizes throughout the peritoneal cavity, it is amenable to intraperitoneal (IP ...
纳欧莫洛基(Olvimulogene nanivacirepvec) - 在研适应症:卵巢子 …
Our Program - Genelux Corporation
In a previously completed clinical study, Olvi-Vec, systemically administered as a monotherapy in patients with advanced solid tumors and with no standard of care option, showed a dose-dependent clinical benefit on overall survival (OS) from …
Clinical Activity of Olvimulogene Nanivacirepvec-Primed ...
2023年7月1日 · Objective: To assess antitumor activity and safety of intraperitoneal (IP) olvimulogene nanivacirepvec (Olvi-Vec) virotherapy and platinum-based chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab in patients with PRROC.
OnPrime Study of Olvi-Vec, Platinum-Doublet, and Bevacizumab …
2022年9月26日 · The phase 3 OnPrime trial (NCT0528147, GOG-3076) evaluating the efficacy and safety of Olvi-Vec (olvimulogene nanivacirepvec), platinum-doublet chemotherapy, and bevacizumab (Avastin) compared with platinum-doublet chemotherapy plus bevacizumab has begun examining patients with platinum-resistant/refractory ovarian cancer, according to …
FDA Grants FTD to Olvi-Vec in Ovarian Cancer Subgroup
2023年11月28日 · The FDA has granted fast track designation (FTD) to olvimulogene nanivacirepvec (olvi-vec) for the treatment of patients with platinum-refractory/-resistant (R/R) ovarian cancer. 1 The FTD is supported by the phase 3 OnPrime/GOG-3076 study (NCT05281471).
Olvi-Vec 和铂双药 + 贝伐单抗与铂双药 + 贝伐单抗在铂耐药/难治 …
2022年3月7日 · OnPrime 研究是一项多中心、随机、开放标签的第 3 期研究,评估 Olvi-Vec 后继以铂类双药化疗和贝伐珠单抗与活性比较臂与铂类双药化疗和贝伐珠单抗相比在诊断为患有铂耐药/...。
TP026/#1435 Phase 3 study of efficacy & safety of Olvi-Vec and …
This Phase 3 study aims to test the hypothesis that the combination of Olvi-Vec followed by further platinum-doublet chemotherapy is particularly effective against tumors by virus-mediated immune activation and re-sensitization of tumor cells to chemotherapy in heavily pre-treated patients with platinum-resistant/refractory ovarian cancer ...
(PDF) Phase 3 Study of Efficacy & Safety of Olvi-Vec and Platinum ...
2022年12月6日 · This Phase 3 study aims to test the hypothesis that the combination of Olvi-Vec followed by further platinum-doublet chemotherapy is particularly effective against tumors by virus-mediated...