3BLD Cheat Sheet PDF | PDF | Logic Puzzles - Scribd
This document summarizes the 3BLD letter scheme algorithms and setup moves: 1) It provides the edge and corner algorithms for swapping letters during blindfolded solving. 2) It lists the parity algorithms used to solve cubie orientation during blindfolded solving.
GitHub - fletcher-berry/3bld-scrambler: Scrambler program for …
Scrambler program for Rubik's Cube blindfolded. This program generates custom scrambles for solving the rubik's cube blindfolded. You can generate scrambles based on the number of algorithms required to solve the cube to practice solving easy or hard scrambles. The number of algorithms is based on using the 3-Style method with UB and UBL buffers.
3x3x3 blindfolded solving 3x3 blind | speedcubing.org
3x3 Blindfolded often called 3BLD involves memorising the 3x3 cube and then solving it with a blindfold in the fastest time possible. Unlike sighted events in blindfolded events your inspection is included as part of the solve meaning that much of the skill is not just about solving but also memorising the cube and pla
d1ad74/3BLD-Flips-Twists-Trainer - GitHub
This web app allows you to practice 3x3 blindfolded scrambles with a certain number of edge flips/corner twists that you set! With the "Generate Scrambles" button in the bottom right, you …
3×3×3ルービックキューブ目隠し(3BLD)【リンク集】 - BLDラ …
ルービックキューブ目隠し(BLD)のリンク集をお探しの方へ。 3×3×3目隠しに関するリンク一覧です。 目的の情報を探す際にご活用ください。
GitHub - midnytdj09/3bld-OP-memo
This project it's to solve a personal problem of practice my short memory to speed up my memo time in the 3BLD and MBLD solves. DEMO: https://midnytdj09.github.io/3bld-OP-memo/ You start in the main panel where you can see the level (and change it), this level defines how many cards of letter pairs going to be shown in the memorization panel.
Sub-20 3X3 vs Sub-60 3BLD. Which is harder? : r/cubing - Reddit
2022年11月5日 · I have got my ass worked off for like 2 years before I got Sub-20 on 3x3. How long do you think its gonna take to get Sub-60 on 3BLD. I mean, which…
奥之心OM-3复古微单及3款二代镜头 - 什么值得买
2025年2月6日 · OM-3具有最高1/8000秒机械快门与最高1/32000秒电子快门,并且在电子快门下可以实现最高50FPS*的AF/AE追踪、无黑屏高速连拍。 如今很多专业相机都具备了“预拍摄”功能,而在可换镜头相机中,O记的“ProCap”专业抓拍可以说是鼻祖级的。 *需搭配兼容SH2 50FPS的镜头. 400mm | F6.3 | 1/2000s | ISO-800. 小型化的5轴防抖系统则为OM-3提供了中央6.5挡、周边5.5挡机身防抖,帮助我们在室内、夜晚等弱光场景中使用更低快门速度和更低感光度拍摄清晰照片 …
3bld. Audio Memo - Speed-Cubing - Art of Memory Forum
2024年1月30日 · I use to solve 3bld with images. I think it is time to try Áudio on Corners. Can someone provide a list off Audio Paris, OR… tell me how to do it. Thanks… … Custódio
3BLD (M2/OP) - sweetduet.info
「ま」行は「な」行とする(例: ミカン → にか)。 濁点と半濁点は清音とする(例: ピエロ → ひえ)。 「や」行や「ら」行、「わ」行、長音、拗音と促音の小さい文字は無視する(例: クラリネット → くね、切手 → きて)。 コーナーOP法で使用しない「あ」と「ち」、「な」は省い …