OM651 diesel engine - Mercedes-Benz Owners' Forums
2014年1月20日 · Not looking good for the 651 engine, we had 2 cars delivered by recovery truck last week, both new to us and both 10 plates, one had a loose timing chain tensioner and lost its oil and threw a rod (only ever been serviced at merc). The other which also had been serviced at mb and to be fair they did report a noisy chain has now got a snapped chain.
Om 651 - Mercedes-Benz Owners' Forums
Joined Aug 26, 2018 Messages 4,038 Reaction score 2,592 Location God's Country Your Mercedes 2014 C 220 CDI W204 OM 651
OM651 diesel engine | Page 3 | Mercedes-Benz Owners' Forums
2014年1月20日 · I have working on these engine for years in Mercedes and there has been various chain / tensinosrs failing . Recently I have had 212 651 engine camshaft sporket break into preices damaging the drive gear at the back . Engine has been rebuilt with genies Mercedes parts . Problem is engine back in...
OM651 Oil Cooler/Housing leak - To seal or not to seal?
2024年2月5日 · Hi All, I'm dealing with a common issue on my W204 OM651 engine, the oil cooler/filter housing leak, and I'm looking for advice on the best approach to fix it. Specifically, I want to know if replacing just the seals is sufficient or if I …
om651 engine any good? - Mercedes-Benz Owners' Forums
Joined Dec 8, 2009 Messages 7,414 Reaction score 2,217 Location Bristol/Somerset Website www.avantgarde-automotive.co.uk
651 Engine Bolt Torques - Mercedes-Benz Owners' Forums
2021年8月17日 · 2014 639 Viano- 651, 5sp Auto. 2009 S211- 646, 5sp Auto. Aug 17, 2021 ... 2014 C 220 CDI W204 OM 651
OM651 timing chain issues. how common are they nowadays???
2016年8月24日 · We sell 651 engined cars all day long.. literally its our bread and butter in terms of sales. We have had one car with chain issue. We have sold thousands. Yes the issue exists.. wouldn't worry me unless you hear chain ratttle. Every car has its own common issues.
FAO indies:OM651 engines vs OM642 engines - Mercedes-Benz …
2014年8月30日 · 651/642 As other indies have said om642 all day long. Steve@Avantgarde Forum Supporter. Authorised Forum ...
Om651 problem - Mercedes-Benz Owners' Forums
2019年11月11日 · hello have a Mercedes b180 2012 with the om651 engine. The car has worked perfectly in the future that we would change tensions to the chain. After this the car did not start. assumed that the injectors have become defective due to strange fuel pressure, bought new ones and now it starts but...
OM651 recurring fault codes and limp mode
2024年10月7日 · Joined Jun 2, 2020 Messages 208 Reaction score 110 Location SouthWest Your Mercedes Viano - 2012 - OM651 Engine - 2.2