GitHub - skiselev/omega: Omega Home Computer
This project is an open source implementation of an MSX2 compatible computer. The project is built using a combination of 1980's era components - Z80 CPU, V9958 VDP, AY-3-8910/YM2149F PSG, 8255 PPI, 7400-series logic, and some newer components, such as 512 KiB SRAM and 512 KiB Flash ROM and a few simple programmable logic …
merlinkv/Omega_MSX2: Update of the Omega Home Computer Project - GitHub
This project is an open source implementation of an MSX2 compatible computer. The project is built using a combination of 1980's era components - Z80 CPU, V9958 VDP, AY-3 …
Omega MSX - MSX Wiki
2024年9月27日 · The Omega MSX is a MSX2 or MSX2+ (depending on the VDP chip selected) that does not use a MSX-Engine. It has a classic 8255 PPI and all other chips are common ones, still available for buying them.
omega/Mainboard.md at master · skiselev/omega · GitHub
Omega runs C-BIOS - an open source BIOS for MSX computers. It can also run the original MSX2* BIOS from computers with a similar slot organization and hardware specifications, for example Sanyo* PHC-23J and Philips* NMS 8250.
El proyecto OMEGA es un diseño de MSX2+ con chips tradicionales, pensado para ser construido de manera artesanal en el hogar por los propios usuarios. Al ser un diseño libre, cualquiera puede descargar las fuentes, utilizarlas para sus propios propósitos e incluso ampliar o mejorar el proyecto por su cuenta.
Omega Home Computer: PCBs from Weird Electronics on Tindie
Omega Home Computer is an open source implementation of an MSX2* compatible computer. The project is built using a combination of 1980's era components - Z80 CPU, V9958 VDP, AY-3-8910/YM2149F PSG, 8255 PPI, 7400-series logic, and some newer components, such as 512 KiB SRAM and 512 KiB Flash ROM and a few simple programmable logic devices ...
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Omega, a new MSX2 compatible computer in development
2019年10月15日 · In the era of emulators and FPGA based MSX devices, Sergey Kiselev introduces Omega, an open source MSX2 computer with a conventional design and making use of original MSX parts. The device also includes a mechanical integrated keyboard giving a more MSX appearance, a very compact and smart solution that will delight the audience.
定制版Omega MSX2+使用教程2: 硬盘卡和扩展内存,键盘玩游 …
交流q群:930442674 ,相关视频:Omega MSX2+ 组装说明 10号机,自制单芯片MSX2+连接MD手柄,全中国首台MSX2兼容机制造中……,MSX即插即用设备检测程序,Omega三号机使用说明1-FM音源板安装演示,全网首个MSX鼠标转换器,合成钢琴曲 雨的印记 自制雅马哈入门 …
The MEGA Omega MSX2 Portable Computer | MSX Resource Center
2023年1月4日 · This is my Omega Home Computer build - If anyone's interested how I made this, I have a whole write-up with tons of pictures and details here https://hackaday.io/project/190135-mega-omega-msx2-portable-computer.
The MEGA Omega MSX2 Portable Computer - Hackaday.io
As an American, MSX computers never made much of a dent here so I had barely even heard of them. Now I was intrigued, and in my searching learned that someone had recently designed a whole new MSX-compatible computer using mostly …
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