OMEGA X(韩国男子唱跳组合)_百度百科
OMEGA X(오메가엑스)是于2021年6月30日出道的韩国男子唱跳组合,由金宰汉(Jaehan)、李辉粲(Hwichan)、张世宾(Sebin)、宋翰缣(Hangyeom)、金泰东(Taedong)、李 …
OMEGA X Members Profile (Updated!) - Kpop Profiles
OMEGA X (오메가엑스) is a 11-member South Korean boy group, consisting of Jaehan, Hwichan, Sebin, Hangyeom, Taedong, Xen, Jehyun, Kevin, Junghoon, Hyuk, and Yechan. They …
OMEGA X - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
OMEGA X (韓語: 오메가엑스)為2021年出道的11人 男子團體,團體名稱來源於希臘字母Omega,意思為「完結」或「最後」,希望成為K-pop界最頂尖的團體。 成員均是由解散團 …
Omega X - Wikipedia
Omega X (Korean: 오메가엑스, stylized in all caps) is a South Korean boy band formed in 2021. The group consists of 11 members: Jaehan, Hwichan, Sebin, Hangyeom, Taedong, Xen, …
OMEGA X members kpop profile (2025 updated) | kpopping
2024年11月13日 · OMEGA X is an 11-member boy group under IPQ Entertainment. They debuted on June 30, 2021, with their first mini album VAMOS. All of the members come from …
OMEGA X - 나무위키
그룹명 'omega x'는 그리스 문자 자모의 맨 끝 글자 '끝', '최후'라는 의미를 담은 "오메가(Ω)"와 새로운 시작과 꿈을, 무한한 사랑과 희망 등 상징을 담아낸 미지수 "x"의 합성어이다. 팬들과의 첫 …
男團「OMEGA X」2度出道 11人皆解散團體出身:全員都隊長、C位 | ETtoday星光雲 …
2021年6月30日 · 南韓新人男團「OMEGA X」由Spire娛樂公司所打造,團名源自於希臘字母Omega,有著「最終」的意思,代表團體的形象與概念。 該團體皆是曾經出道卻難以繼續活 …
OMEGA X - YouTube
OMEGA X (오메가엑스) Official YouTube Channel
OMEGA X Lyrics, Songs, and Albums - Genius
OMEGA X is a South Korean boy group under IPQ. It consists of eleven idol members who have all debuted in previous groups, most of which have disbanded.
omega x の ジャパンオフィシャルサイト。ライブやメディア出演などの最新情報の他、ファンクラブへの新規会員登録も受付中!