How to Setup Omnimic V2 in REW - AV NIRVANA
2021年11月11日 · With my first Omnimic V2 measurements, I found the resulting graph to look very similar to the UMIK-1 graph, but about 15db higher than the UMIK-1 graph. I also noted that the sweep ran out of headroom. With a -14db AVR volume setting, the UMIK-1 sweeps typically have about 20db-30db headroom.
2017年6月7日 · I have been using OmniMic for 10 years or longer but needed to validate its perfrormance on my LFE channel. So I used REW. From the two plots below, the results between about 20Hz and 100Hz are close enough. But south of there, huge difference. How accurate is REW south of 20Hz?. I have...
OmniMic V2 and REW - AV NIRVANA
2022年11月11日 · Windows sees my OmniMIc and the OmniMic software recognizes it. I can generate various tones and sweeps from my OmniMic software and the microphone produces the pretty graphs. Unfortunately, I see no way to individually send sound to the different channels and LFE so I figured I would use REW instead.
SPL meter is way off with USB calibrated mic - AV NIRVANA
2022年9月4日 · REW only accepts sens factor entries for those few mics for which it has data on the relationship between the input volume setting and the corresponding gain in dB, currently UMIK-1, UMIK-2, UMIK-X, EARS, CARIO-A2B, UMM-6, Omnimic and Beta Three.
How to compare impulse response of any two speakers
2017年6月7日 · In OmniMic, I am able to send a test signal simultaneously to any two speakers (typically L & R or L & C or L & SL, etc) and then look at their impulse response to determine how accurately the processor was able to time align the speakers. It is a great tool to adjust the delay setting of a specific speaker if necessary.
Dirac Live Free Trial - AV NIRVANA
2017年12月23日 · Can you try using REW to take a measurement. That will help us see if this is an interaction between the mic and software. The mic that comes with Omnimic, as I understand it, is a UMM-6 that has been tied to the software. It is otherwise identical and as such should work the same as any UMM-6. I know the UMM-6 works fine with Dirac.
REW Beta Release REW Windows installer with JRE [Deleted] - AV …
2017年4月3日 · Glad to hear it Note that for supported USB mics (UMIK-1, UMM-6, Omnimic) that have sensitivity info in their cal files REW takes the input volume setting into account to show the correct SPL, so changing input volume should alter the input level (in dBFS as shown on the Levels meters) but not the SPL reading for a given audio level in the room.
Is my new MIC dead? (Dayton Audio Umm-6) - AV NIRVANA
2020年11月3日 · Hello, I am new to EQ and I just received my Daytonaudio UMM-6 today. Once I downloaded the latest REW software and calibration file I plugged in my microphone and applied the correct I/O settings along with the calibration file. I am very puzzled as to why my microphone does not seem to work...
UMIK-1 sensitivity - AV NIRVANA
2022年6月24日 · Hi, I would like to use UMIK-1 to measure SPL with my Python code, but I can not find the sensitivity of UMIK-1, nor in its datasheet of its calibration file. In its calibration file there is one line saying "Sens Factor =-0.667dB", but it doesn't make sense to me. I wonder how REW calculates...
Lower Limit on the "Q" of PEQ - AV NIRVANA
2017年6月7日 · The Q range depends on the equaliser selection, the Generic equaliser allows Q values down to 0.1.Target match doesn't use Q values below 1.0, such broad filters are more suitable for tonal adjustments than targeting any particular feature of the response.