OMNIS-DUO - 一体化DJ系统让您随时随地与同伴享受全新DJ体验 …
OMNIS-DUO - Portable all-in-one DJ system - Alphatheta
2024年12月5日 · Grab your DJ setup, gather your friends, find a place to hang out, and get the party started with the OMNIS-DUO. Built to be totally portable, the all-in-one DJ system is lightweight and compact enough to fit in a good-sized backpack.
OMNIS-DUO - Pioneer DJ Store
Built to be totally portable, the all-in-one DJ system is lightweight and easy to set up! Enjoy an authentic DJ experience in any location – even outside – thanks to the Bluetooth®/MD audio output function, battery power, 2-deck + mixer interface, and touchscreen.
OMNIS-DUO - AlphaTheta
The OMNIS-DUO is small and easy to carry, but it's big on features for a full DJ experience. Built-in battery lasts about 5 hours Chargeable from a battery Products
OMNIS-Duo Portable All-in-One Battery Powered DJ Controller
2024年1月25日 · As the first-ever all-in-one DJ system to feature a Bluetooth audio output function, the OMNIS-DUO opens up brand-new possibilities. Whether you want to play on a campground, at the beach, or even connect to the sound system in a vehicle, there’s no limit to the places you can hold a party.
Out of the Blue: Introducing the OMNIS-DUO portable all-in-one …
2024年1月25日 · Built to be totally portable, the all-in-one DJ system is lightweight and compact enough to fit in a good-sized backpack. It’s easy to set up and enjoy an authentic DJ experience in any location – even outside – thanks to the Bluetooth Ⓡ/MD audio output function, battery power, 2-deck + mixer interface, and touchscreen.
AlphaTheta Omnis-Duo 2-deck Portable DJ System - Sweetwater
AlphaTheta’s Omnis-Duo 2-deck portable DJ system channels decades of cutting-edge DJ technology into a powerful unit offering true mobile autonomy without sacrificing performance appointments or audio quality.
AlphaTheta - OMNIS-DUO - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
OMNIS-DUO 可以看作是 AlphaTheta 对标 Denon Prime Go 的产品,是一款便携且提供包含 DJ 必备功能的一体机解决方案,可轻松将机器放入背包,随身携带,随地使用。
AlphaTheta OMNIS-DUO Portable Battery-Powered OMNIS-DUO B&H - B&H Photo ...
Get the party started with the AlphaTheta OMNIS-DUO, a portable, all-in-one DJ system that's designed for throwing parties anytime or anywhere. The standalone controller features battery power (up to 5 hours playtime) and multiple audio input …
Pioneer DJ用「新招牌」AlphaTheta推出新的DJ一体机 OMNIS-DUO …
2024年1月26日 · OMNIS-DUO 一体机. OMNIS-DUO 可以看作是 AlphaTheta 对标 Denon Prime Go 的产品,是一款便携且提供包含 DJ 必备功能的一体机解决方案,可轻松将机器放入背包,随身携带,随地使用。
Pioneer DJ OMNIS-DUO: All specifications & features
All specifications of the Pioneer DJ OMNIS-DUO, Portable All-in-one DJ systems (Indigo)
8 Hidden Features & Tricks On The AlphaTheta OMNIS-DUO (Did …
2024年2月16日 · After the release of the AlphaTheta OMNIS-DUO I've been asked quite a lot of questions about it's feature set and capabilities when it comes to standalone mixing on the go. Here I'm going to dig even further deep than in my first review, to uncover some of its most surprising features not many reviews mention
Out of the Blue: 一体化DJ系统“OMNIS-DUO”全新 ... - Pioneer DJ
2024年1月25日 · OMNIS-DUO是本公司首款配备Bluetooth声音输出功能的一体化DJ系统。与Bluetooth扬声器连接,即可在海滩或露营场地、驾驶当中等各种场景下轻松享受DJ表演。此外,还配备有通用RCA输出以及专业的XLR输出,无论是在家中还是聚会现场,都可以灵活地完成设置。
OMNIS-DUO - ポータブルオールインワンDJシステム - Alphatheta
OMNIS-DUOは、当社のオールインワンDJシステムとして初めてBluetooth音声出力機能を搭載しました。 Bluetooth対応スピーカーと接続し、ビーチやキャンプ場、ドライブ中などさまざまな場所で手軽にDJプレイを楽しめます。
AlphaTheta OMNIS-DUO - All in One Portable DJ System
Built to be totally portable, the all-in-one DJ system is lightweight and. It’s easy to set up and enjoy an authentic DJ experience in any location – even outside – thanks to the Bluetooth®/MD audio output function, battery power, 2- deck + mixer interface, and touchscreen.
AlphaTheta OMNIS-DUO - Serato DJ Hardware
The OMNIS-DUO is a two-channel, all-in-one DJ controller, designed with portability in mind. Enjoy up to 5 hours playback without mains power, giving you the freedom to play anywhere, any time. Switch between light and dark modes on screen for complete visibility, day or night.
OMNIS-DUO is a portable battery-powered all-in-one DJ setup …
2024年1月24日 · Meet the brand new OMNIS-DUO from AlphaTheta. The battery-powered all-in-one standalone market – previously occupied only by the Denon DJ’s Prime Go and Numark’s Mixstream Pro – gains a new member today. The well-leaked device will be the first DJ product to bear the AlphaTheta logo and word mark on it.
AlphaTheta OMNIS-DUO – My Final Review (No Sugarcoating)
2024年2月14日 · The AlphaTheta OMNIS-DUO is able to source music from various different inputs including: Your Laptop – When it’s used in wired mode with your PC or MAC, but also wirelessly when connected and synced with your Rekordbox library.
AlphaTheta Omnis-Duo Portable All-In-One DJ System with
Easily slide the AlphaTheta Omnis-Duo into a good-sized backpack and carry it anywhere thanks to the compact size, modest weight, and rounded corners of the unit. The system’s 2-deck plus mixer layout will look familiar to everyone and feel great when you’re DJing. And there are 2 modes for the t...
AlphaTheta Omnis-Duo Portable All-in-One System - Long
Grab your DJ setup, gather your friends, find a place to hang out, and get the party started with the OMNIS-DUO. Built to be totally portable, the all-in-one DJ system is lightweight and.