Unilever reveals world-first paper-based laundry detergent bottle
2021年6月10日 · London - Unilever is using a new technology to launch the first ever paper-based laundry detergent bottle. A prototype has been developed for leading laundry brand OMO (also known as Persil, Skip and Breeze) and is set to debut in Brazil by early 2022, with an ambition for roll-out in Europe and other countries soon after.
We’re creating the world’s first paper-based laundry ... - Unilever
2021年6月11日 · Unilever is using a new technology to create the first-ever paper-based laundry detergent bottle, made of sustainably sourced pulp and designed to be recycled in standard paper waste streams. A prototype is being developed for our OMO brand – which is also known as Persil, Skip and Breeze depending on where you live in the world.
Unilever's world-first paper-based laundry detergent bottle
2021年6月11日 · Unilever is using a new technology to launch the first ever paper-based laundry detergent bottle. A prototype has been developed for leading laundry brand OMO (also known as Persil, Skip and Breeze) and is set to debut in Brazil by …
The world’s first paper-based laundry detergent bottle
Unilever is using a new technology to create the first-ever paper-based laundry detergent bottle, made of sustainably sourced pulp and designed to be recycled in standard paper waste streams. A prototype is being developed for our OMO brand – which is also known as Persil, Skip and Breeze depending on where you live in the world.
Unilever reveals paper-based detergent bottle - Pulpex
Unilever is set to launch what it says is the first-ever paper-based laundry detergent bottle. A prototype has been developed for leading laundry brand OMO (also known as Persil, Skip & Breeze) and is set to debut in Brazil by early 2022, with an ambition for roll-out in Europe and other countries soon after.
OMO - Unilever
Unilever’s largest detergent brand, OMO (also known as Persil, Skip or Surf Excel depending on where you live), believes you can’t unleash your full potential without getting stuck in and getting dirty. So embrace the glory and the grime of every step …
傳統零售業 OMO 虛實整合轉型策略之探討-以達OO集團為例
This paper takes the traditional retail industry, 達OO Group, as an example, to study how the traditional retail industry changes from O2O to OMO in marketing model, and discuss the real and virtual integration transformation strategy of traditional retail …
This paper aims to explore in depth the new development path of e-commerce for intangible cultural heritage products under the OMO (Online Merge Offline) model. In the context of the rapid development of the Internet, OMO mode, as an innovative business model, has successfully broken the time-space constraints of traditional business models ...
OMO模式研究报告万字长文 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
omo 模式 深度研究报告. 一、omo 模式的核心特点 (一) 线上线下融合 的深度与广度. 阐述 omo 模式如何打破线上线下界限,实现从营销、运营到服务等多环节的无缝对接。以零售行业为例,许多大型商超如沃尔玛,推出线上下单线下取货及线上线下同价策略。
“互联网+”时代的OMO课程教学模式及其应用研究——以线性代数 …
OMO教学模式可以实现优质教学资源的大规模、快速的传播与普及、实现互联网+与大数据浪潮下大规模的因材施教 。互联网技术的迭代式发展将人类社会带入了信息化的时代,在“互联网+”和数字经济的浪潮下,OMO (Online-Merge-Offline,线上线下融合)课程教学模式 ...