Somali genetic origins (we are 2/3 Omotic and 1/3 Eurasian ...
2014年5月8日 · Somali genetic origins (we are 2/3 Omotic and 1/3 Eurasian) - Page 2 | Daily chitchat.
Earlier OOA admixture in Neanderthals? - anthrogenica.com
I've been trying to build a comprehensive qpgraph including archaic humans and the oddest thing that keep popping up was a massive worst residual score (>33) between modern human populations and Neanderthals when Denisovans are included.
Ancient DNA from North Africa (this time with formal stats) - Page …
2018年6月18日 · Ancient DNA from North Africa (this time with formal stats) - Page 39 ... Advanced Search
MAJOR UPGRADE IN PROCESS! Every aspect of the site is being upgraded. Your feedback is welcome info at this website's domain name.
Post and discuss your Eurogenes k36 results - Page 13
2016年4月11日 · Post and discuss your Eurogenes k36 results - Page 13 ... Advanced Search
My 23 & Me Results: Professor Zumaale... - Page 2 - SomaliNet …
2017年1月26日 · Forum rules This General Forum is for general discussions from daily chitchat to more serious discussions among Somalinet Forums members.
RISE554 and N-Y6503 - anthrogenica.com
2015年8月31日 · Igmayka, Davidski posted today results of his K-12 run with several RISE samples. I am particularly interested in RISE554 because Genetiker has claimed that RISE554 is N-Y6503 as Hungarian IR1, i.e. predecessor clade of N-P189.2, which is unrelated to all other N branches in the world.
K36 PCA Megabiplots - Page 23 - anthrogenica.com
2018年10月2日 · Advanced Search; Forum; Human Population Genetics; Autosomal (auDNA) K36 PCA Megabiplots
MyHeritage + GEDmatch = a very confused Frisian / Dutchie
2021年1月18日 · Hello! I'm Elske and I come from the Netherlands. I recently did a DNA-test (MyHeritage) and I was a bit confused by the results. I expected a high percentage North and West-European, but that's not the case. Results MyHeritage: 48% Scandinavian 37,6% English 10,2% North and West European 4,2% Finnish
K36 Eurogenes (Unofficial) Oracle and other ancestry tools - Page …
Why oracle for K36? Because this Gedmatch calculator is one of the most interesting but its component breakdown is not very intelligible for most of the users.