OMTAS - Wikipedia
OMTAS weapon system is a combination of missile, missile launching platform with fire control unit, carrying cases, and training simulator. It intended to destroy stationary and moving armored targets. Firing can occur from a tripod mount, vehicle, stabilized land platform, or remote controlled turret.
OMTAS Medium-Range Anti-Tank Missile System - Roketsan
OMTAS is a medium-range anti-tank weapon system that is effective against armoured threats on the battlefield. Its Imaging Infrared Seeker permits day and night use, and in all adverse weather conditions. The RF data link between the launcher and the missile provides the user with operational flexibility.
OMTAS is a medium-range anti-tank weapon system that is effective against armoured threats on the battlefield. Its Imaging Infrared Seeker permits day and night use, and in all adverse weather conditions. The RF data link between the launcher and the missile provides the user with operational flexibility. The
OMTAS anti-tank missile system - GlobalSecurity.org
Mar 4, 2018 · OMTAS is a new generation, man portable middle range anti-tank weapon system, which is made up of the launching tripod, fire control unit, sighting unit (composing the launcher unit) and the...
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OMTAS is a medium-range anti-tank weapon system that is effective against armoured threats on the battlefield. Its Imaging Infrared Seeker permits day and night use, and in all adverse weather conditions.
土耳其新式反坦克导弹,适配多种战斗部,飞行中可切换打击目 …
Aug 15, 2023 · UMTAS(全名Uzun Menzilli Tanksavar Sistemi)远程反坦克导弹可同攻击直升机、轻型武装直升机,地面机动车辆及海军作战平台等载具进行集成,采用双联或四联装发射架。 导弹直径160mm,长1.8m,战斗全重37.5kg,射程0.5-8公里。 采用成像红外(IIR)寻的器及射频数据链捕捉目标,具备全天候作战能力,在极端恶劣天气条件下也能有效发挥作用。 同时该导弹装有精确制导的串联穿甲弹头,具备发射后不管能力,在导弹飞行过程中还可以根据需要随时更新 …
土耳其首款国产反坦克导弹OMTAS - 网易
Jun 26, 2022 · OMTAS,也称为 Mizrak-O,是土耳其研制的第一款便携式中程反装甲导弹。 这种导弹的研制始于 2010 年。 虽然它的确切起源尚不清楚,但从理论上讲,它有资格成为具有射程、精度和杀伤力的第四代反坦克导弹。
土耳其第一型国产反坦克导弹采购红外成像制导头 - 搜狐
Jan 19, 2019 · OMTAS反坦克导弹是一种日/夜全天候武器系统,也称为Mizrak-O,是土耳其开发的第一种便携式中程反装甲导弹,具有直接攻击和顶部攻击模式,具备发射前锁定和发射后锁定能力,发射即丢弃,以及开火后更新目标模式,即当导弹发射后,处于空中时可以改变目标 ...
OMTAŞ A.Ş. is a company located in Gebze, Istanbul, specializing in forging, heat treatment, finishing lines, and tooling.
Laser guided L-OMTAS is a medium-range anti-tank weapon system that is effective against armoured threats on the battlefield. The missile can lock onto the target before or after launch and effective against static and mobile targets.