Tap an OMNY card. Want to pay with cash? Buy and load value on an OMNY card, then tap it at an OMNY reader to pay the fare and GO. Learn about OMNY cards
The OMNY card: Pay with cash (or card), tap and go Buy or reload an OMNY card at OMNY vending machines or at select stores across the city. OMNY vending machines are rolling out to all subway stations, with many already available.
OmyCard手機App – 更即時、簡便、安全的流動理財體驗
OmyCard 手機App是專為WeWa信用卡及EarnMORE信用卡而設的手機應用程式。 自推出以來,一直為你提供更即時及全面的信用卡服務與優惠。 你可於任何接受銀聯二維碼支付的商戶以安信銀聯信用卡輕鬆付款及盡享精選商戶簽賬優惠,一Scan閃Pay! 你可於OmyCard 手機App透過簡單步驟即時確認信用卡。 於OmyCard手機App內之「我的賬戶」頁面申請「3個月免息簽賬分期」 *,一App搞掂話咁易。 你更可選擇適合自己的付款期數,靈活理財。 於OmyCard手機App內 …
Retail locations - OMNY
Purchase or reload your OMNY card at select retail locations across the New York City area. You can also reload your card online via a registered OMNY account at omny.info/register. Prefer to use a vending machine? Find one at a subway station near you using the map here. Learn more about OMNY cards. Want to become an OMNY card retailer? Click ...
Tap to pay your fare with OMNY
OMNY is the easiest, most flexible way to pay your subway or bus fare. You don't have to sign up or download an app; simply use your contactless credit or debit card, smartphone, wearable device, or OMNY card to tap and go. OMNY currently supports full-fare and Reduced-Fare pay-per-ride options.
Student OMNY Cards - MTA
4 天之前 · Schools distribute OMNY cards that let eligible students get to and from school and school-related activities for free—and ride for free on weekends and all year, too! Student OMNY Cards are: Distributed exclusively by your school. You can’t get a Student OMNY Card from the MTA. Good for four free rides each day.
Student OMNY Cards - New York City Public Schools
Schools will distribute OMNY cards this Fall 2024. This will allow eligible students to get to and from school and school-related activities for free—and ride for free on weekends and all year, too! Student OMNY Cards are: Distributed exclusively by your school. You can’t get a Student OMNY Card from the MTA. Good for 4 free rides each day.
全新OmyCard手機App「二維碼支付」服務 – 安信銀聯信用卡
OmyCard手機App全新「二維碼支付」服務,讓你可於任何接受銀聯二維碼的商戶以安信銀聯信用卡輕鬆付款,盡享一Scan閃Pay的消費樂趣。 此外,付款時無須展示實體信用卡,更有效保障信用卡資料,簡單安全。 於接受銀聯二維碼或貼有銀聯二維碼標誌(見下圖)的商戶,即可透過OmyCard手機App用以下付款方式付款! 如何將安信銀聯信用卡登記至「二維碼支付」? (適用於第一次登記) 立即下載OmyCard手機App,盡享一Scan閃Pay的消費樂趣兼賺簽賬回贈! …
OmyCard手機App – 更即時、簡便、安全的流動理財體驗
OmyCard 手機App是專為WeWa信用卡及EarnMORE信用卡而設的手機應用程式。 自推出以來,一直為你提供更即時及全面的信用卡服務與優惠。 你可於任何接受銀聯二維碼支付的商戶以安信銀聯信用卡輕鬆付款及盡享精選商戶簽賬優惠,一Scan閃Pay! 結賬時,選擇以OmyCard手機App付款,點選頁面的「二維碼支付」標示. 選擇「我的二維碼」,並向商戶出示你的二維碼進行付款. 選擇「掃描二維碼」標示掃描商戶的二維碼. 你可於OmyCard 手機App透過簡單步驟即時 …
ohmycard.com - Inicio - OMC
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