articles - Why do we say 'in the air', not 'in air'? - English Language ...
The air in in the air is also a more metaphorical usage: air 1.2. the free or unconfined space above the surface of the earth: he celebrated by tossing his hat high in the air [ODO] Thus, to hit something in the air or into the air is to hit it away from the earth.
Air on the side of caution? - WordReference Forums
2011年3月17日 · Hello, A friend of mine (English native speaker) wrote "air on the side of caution" instead of "err on the side of caution" in an informal email she sent me. I had a little laugh over it and then tried to Google "air on the side of caution" to …
phrase usage - Do you say "On the air" or "on air"? - English …
2021年10月28日 · Webster's dictionary defines " on the air " as an idiomatic term for broadcasting, and in the same entry notes that 'on air' is a "less common variant". However, this ngram would suggest otherwise, with "live on air" being used far more than "live on the air".
word usage - Air Conditioning or air conditioned? - English …
2015年3月6日 · Air conditioning is very common in the United States, especially in motor vehicles. Most Americans would be surprised if an inter-city bus did not have air conditioning. Furthermore, most Americans would expect a bus in Texas in the summer to need air conditioning -- eastern Texas has hot and humid summers.
Scent Makes a Place - WordReference Forums
2025年1月18日 · 粗略浏览了一下文章,大概讲的是特定气味对塑造不同地方的特征具有重要的作用与意义。有一段比较深刻地揭露了文章主旨:Smelling a landscape, and knowing, on a deep level, the scent of a place—these actions bring us more into the world. And when a site becomes a place, we’re better equipped to celebrate and protect it. 所以标题直白 ...
hyphens - Is it "mid-air", "midair" or "mid air" - English Language ...
2019年3月9日 · Mid air is an expression that is rarely used by people in aviation, as they have more accurate words in their vocabulary. Such as airborne, mid flight,cruise level etc. Mid air has little meaning, mid way between what?
By air vs. By plane vs. Take the flight - WordReference Forums
2021年12月16日 · Person A: How did go to LA this time? Person B: "By air" or "By plane" or "I took the flight". Are they all correct? If so, which is the most common in American English? Thank you!
Why is there a definite article in the phrase "jump in the air"
2016年10月28日 · The phrase "jump in the air" seems to stand out as something unusual. One is not jumping into the tank with some specific air, but instead is just jumping upwards, whatever air one meets there is quite irrelevant and unknown.
expressions - Meaning of "The air is thin up here" - English …
2014年4月27日 · What does "The air is thin up here" mean? Does it have a positive connotation? E.g. when you are wearing heels in order to look taller.
pronunciation - How to distinguish words hare, here, hair, heir, …
here rhymes with "ear", but with "h" sound hire rhymes with "fire", but with "h" sound her is pronounced "her" Your dictionary should provide another good way to check the pronunciation. Finally, thanks to @Hellion, in listening, to tell which word is which from several possible homophones (e.g. heir or air), context will give you necessary clues.