OncoSET Precision Medicine - Northwestern University
Learn more about the OncoSET Programs for people with GI Cancers. Our OncoSET precision medicine program provides a personalized care plan based on a genomic analysis of your tumor.
A comprehensive and perspective view of oncoprotein SET in cancer
SET, also known as template activating factor‐I β (TAF‐I β), inhibitor 2 of protein phosphatase 2A (I2PP2A), and putative histocompatibility leukocyte antigen class II‐associated protein II …
SET Gene - GeneCards | SET Protein | SET Antibody
2024年12月25日 · SET (SET Nuclear Proto-Oncogene) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with SET include Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Autosomal Dominant 58 and …
What is the OncoSET Program? Designed to provide personalized evalua2ons and customized treatment plans for pa2ents with cancer, the Lurie Cancer Center OncoSET (Sequence, …
Oncoguard - La-med Healthcare
IV Infusion Set with air vent and 0.2 micron filter. Features & Benefits. Oncoguard highly used in Chemotherapy. Strong and sharp spike for insertion in IV container. Transparent, flexible, …
“Onco-SET将提供基础环境和设施,使我们可以对患者进行个性化的癌症治疗,这在当前来说是十分少见的,同时我们将加快别的研究,这些研究将关注于为患者制定新颖的个性化治疗方案” …
Northwestern大学推出新的个性化肿瘤项目-肿瘤-转化医学网-转化 …
“Onco-SET将提供基础环境和设施,使我们可以对患者进行个性化的癌症治疗,这在当前来说是十分少见的,同时我们将加快别的研究,这些研究将关注于为患者制定新颖的个性化治疗方案” …
OncoKB™ - MSK's Precision Oncology Knowledge Base
2024年11月26日 · OncoKB™ is a precision oncology knowledge base developed at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center that contains biological and clinical information about genomic …
SET (SET nuclear oncogene) - atlasgeneticsoncology.org
2013年5月1日 · SET is a reported oncoprotein with a preferentially nuclear location that has been shown to be fused to a putative oncoprotein, CAN/NUP214, in different types of leukemias. …
A comprehensive and perspective view of oncoprotein SET in …
SET is a multifunctional oncoprotein which is ubiquitously expressed in all kinds of cells. The SET protein participates in many cellular processes including cell cycle, cell migration, apoptosis, …