ONElua (ONELua Team) - GitHub
ONElua - The multiplatform interpreter. All the power of your consoles! Prevent this user from interacting with your repositories and sending you notifications. Learn more about blocking users. Add an optional note: Please don't include any personal information such as legal names or email addresses. Maximum 100 characters, markdown supported.
GitHub - ONElua/ONEMenu-for-PSVita: OneMenu for PSVita is …
OneMenu for PSVita is a simple to use UI which separates the installed games and apps into categories. Onemenu comes with a built in File Explorer. Installing/uninstalling apps/games, vpks (Including Nonpdrm content, you have to install the plugin Nonpdrm). Move the selected homebrew to diferent partition (ux0-ur0-uma0).
Releases · ONElua/ONEMenu-for-PSVita - GitHub
OneMenu for PSVita is a simple to use UI which separates the installed games and apps into categories, Onemenu comes with a built in file explorer - ONElua/ONEMenu-for-PSVita
OneLua Docs
OneLua doesn't features very advanced functions, and it's not the most efficient or fastest Lua interpreter for the PSP, but even so features a great set of functions, starting with the most common of them and those that other interpreters doesn't have. Installation. Download the OneLua executable.
Space Ball for PSP - GameBrew
2024年10月24日 · Space Ball is a homebrew built with the ONElua interpreter that makes use of the 3D module. It is a remake of the Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space Golf released in 1995 created by Pixel Painters Corporation.
Release: ONELua V4 R1 (Lua interpreter for PSP/Vita)
2016年7月9日 · ONELua is a Lua interpreter for the PSP/PS Vita (in PSP mode). It’s a tool that helps you run homebrews written in the Lua interpreted language. Lua games have the reputation of being “easier” to program than their C++ counterpart on …
Vita Homebrew PC Tools (Developments) - GameBrew
2024年7月2日 · ONElua was originally a lua interpreter for the PSP, which is currently being ported to the PS Vita with HENkaku and all the possibilities it offers. With this tool (interpreter), you can create your own homebrew and applications, introducing and translating your ideas through the built in ONElua and of course native Lua.
[Release] ONElua v3R0 | GBAtemp.net - The Independent Video Game …
2025年1月19日 · With this ONELUAV3R0 (interpreter), you can create your own homebrew and applications, introducing and translating your ideas through the built in ONElua and of course native LUA. I have the happiness, to announce that ONElua has an important update! + Ported to be 100% compatible with taiHEN and use the maximum of functions.
VITA / PS TV - ONEMenu for PSVita - PSX-Place
2020年10月5日 · OneMenu for PSVita is a simple to use UI which separates the installed games and apps into categories. Onemenu comes with a built in File Explorer. Installing/uninstalling apps/games, vpks (Including Nonpdrm content, you have to install the plugin Nonpdrm). Move the selected homebrew to diferent partition (ux0-ur0-uma0).
ONElua VITA - Lua interpreter updated to V2R0 - PSX-Place
2014年11月8日 · ONElua team updated their lua language interpreter for PS Vita/Playstation TV to version 2r0 to the GekiHEN entry. This release adding many new possibilities to developers. Included real-time debugger for sure help to track any bugs. Added suport for MP3, you can now call uri 's, use https addresses, ability to compress files, and folders.