TX-NR646 - Onkyo
Experience the cutting edge of home theater with the 7.2-channel TX-NR646 Network A/V Receiver, the first in its class to feature the revolutionary DTS:X™ and Dolby Atmos® multi-dimensional audio formats.
Onkyo TX-NR646 review: Powerful, feature-packed receiver …
2015年7月14日 · The fully-loaded Onkyo TX-NR646 delivers cutting-edge technologies such as both Dolby Atmos and DTS-X surround formats, in addition to AirPlay, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Its sound quality is excellent...
Onkyo TX-NR646 Review - SoundVisionReview
The Onkyo TX-NR646 is powerful, balanced and dynamic, and it's been nothing less than a pleasure to use and listen to. The only thing that we can really complain about is that the AccuEQ could use some improvements. The fact that it also offers HDCP 2.2 and DTS:X means that it has very few competitors in this price class.
Onkyo TX-NR646 7.2-Channel Network A/V Receiver - amazon.com
2015年5月12日 · Experience the cutting edge of audio with the 7.2 Ch. TX-NR646 Network A/V Receiver, the first in its class to feature the revolutionary dts:X and Dolby Atmos multi-dimensional audio formats. Onkyo's high-current amplification system drives your speakers with maximum impact and fidelity at 170 watts per channel.
2022年11月2日 · 4K video content and two HDMI outputs for video in separate rooms. The TX-NR646’s high-grade 384 kHz/32-bit AKM DAC not only. brings movies to life, but your Hi-Res and streamed music as well. Conveniently stream music over built-in Wi-Fi®, Bluetooth, AirPlay.
Onkyo TX-NR646 - Crutchfield
2016年3月6日 · With support for 4K Ultra HD video content, and decoding for Dolby Atmos and DTS:X, the latest multi-dimensional surround sound formats, this powerful receiver can springboard your living room into the future, making movies and TV super-lifelike and immersive.
- 评论数: 151
【台北音響店】愛樂音響 ONKYO TX-NR646 環繞擴大機,入主 …
2015年6月25日 · ONKYO 6系列向來穩坐環繞擴大機最佳CP值機種寶座. 這次ONKYO最新機種TX-NR646依舊來勢洶洶. 買前不用作功課,實至名歸. DTS X,DOLBY ATMOS,HDMI雙輸出,WIFI功能. 藍芽接收,ZONE2,大電流輸出,HDCP2.2,32/384. 網路電台,SPOTIFY. 所有你能想到的功能,TX-NR646幾近應有盡有,精彩非凡. 記得再次校正,才能維持音效水準. 這樣的配置以往只能在3萬元以上的機型才能夠看到. 注意到背後的貼心設計了嗎? 是不是一目瞭然,所 …
玩 AV 其實最抵玩係入門機 – Onkyo TX-NR646 開機分享 – Post76 …
2015年7月11日 · 646支援自家最多7聲道喇叭輸出, 即係最多可以唔加後級情況下, 直接插入7隻喇叭玩, 係一個入門來家來講, 其實真係夠哂用啦, 玩埋 Atmos 都仲得, 5.1.2 即係5隻喇叭+一對天花喇叭(如圖), 而我地今次係76-FriendClub既設定都係以呢個為主, 用上前上置一對KEF蛋仔喇叭, 再 ...
鱼与熊掌皆可兼得-日本 安桥Onkyo TX-NR646 7.2声道 ... - 6HIFI
2016年5月14日 · Onkyo TX-NR646能实现杜比全景声5.1.2声道的配置模式,可提供170W/声道 (6欧)的高功率输出。 相对于传统的5.1声道的配置方式,5.1.2声道拥有全新的扬声器系统配置方式,数字2代表在5.1的后面加上了上方声场扬声器所使用的数量,通过增加三维空间声道,能够带来更加自然逼真的3D声场和栩栩如生的感官体验;过往厂方被不少用家批评欠缺AirPlay功能,今年终于加入;支持HDMI 2.0a规格也是为4K Blu-ray作好了淮备;更内置有蓝牙,让用家更方便连接各 …
ONKYO TX-NR646 - 用户手册, 用户指南, Manual
ONKYO TX-NR646 是一款 7.1 声道 AV 接收机,支持 Dolby Atmos 和 DTS:X 音频格式,带来身临其境的环绕声。 它配备了 4K 相容的 HDMI 输入和输出,可以无缝集成到您的家庭影院系统中。