Colorado Revised Statutes | Colorado General Assembly
The Colorado Revised Statutes are available on the internet as hosted by LexisNexis (the current printer). Click below to Access the Colorado Revised Statutes, Colorado Court Rules, Colorado Constitution, and United States Constitution.
Lexis provides access to a comprehensive collection of Colorado state laws and regulations, with annotations and expert commentary.
Laws - Colorado General Assembly
The Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.) are the codified general and permanent statutes of the Colorado General Assembly. The Session Laws are the collection of statutes enacted by the Colorado General Assembly during a single legislative session.
Centralized Receivables Service
Centralized Receivables Service (CRS) Invoice Payment Portal. Pay for your government invoices, quickly and securely. View full invoice options by signing in or creating your account using a trusted provider.
2023年6月7日 · CRS的英文全称是CommonReporting Standard,中文翻译是“共同信息交换准则”。 可以看出,CRS是一个信息交换的系统。 用一句话说,CRS是全球范围的金融账户信息交换系统。
什么是CRS?披露什么信息? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
CRS 【Common Reporting Standard】即“共同申报准则”或“统一报告标准”,是经济合作与发展组织「OECD」在 2014 年提出的,旨在通过加强全球税收合作,提高 税收透明度 ,打击利用 跨境金融账户 逃避税的行为,维护诚信的税收体制。
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Centralized Receivables Service - Resources for Payers
2024年7月18日 · You may be able to pay online. Make a payment by phone by calling the number listed on your invoice/notice. For other payment options, including instructions on how to make a payment online, go to the page titled "Payment Options" in the invoice/notice you received from CRS. If you object to the bill