SGI Onyx - Wikipedia
Onyx is a series of visualization systems designed and manufactured by SGI, introduced in 1993 and offered in two models, deskside and rackmount, codenamed Eveready and Terminator respectively. Onyx's basic system architecture is based on the SGI Challenge servers, but with graphics hardware.
From the affordably priced Reality StatiorÝ to the POWER Onyx'* supercomputing graphics system, the Onyx family offers the fastest system architecture available on the mar- ket in a full range of open-architecture, scalable solutions.
SGI Origin 3000 and Onyx 3000 - Wikipedia
The Origin 3000 and the Onyx 3000 is a family of mid-range and high-end computers developed and manufactured by SGI. The Origin 3000 is a server, and the Onyx 3000 is a visualization system. Both systems were introduced in July 2000 to …
basic information on using the Onyx 3000 series rack systems. Topics covered include monitor, keyboard, and mouse, connections, PCI audio card features, Ethernet .
Chapter 1. Introducing the SGI Onyx 3000 Series Graphics Systems
The Onyx 3000 series graphics systems come in three models to meet your graphics computing needs: SGI Onyx 3200, SGI Onyx 3400, and SGI Onyx 3800. Figure 1-3 shows an example of an SGI Onyx 3800 multirack graphics system.
SGI™ Onyx® 3000 Series Graphics System Hardware Owner's Guide
Although there are a number of different models in the SGI Onyx 3000 system family, this document refers to the products generically as SGI Onyx 3000 series systems.
SGI Onyx - Higher Intellect Vintage Wiki
Onyx is a shared-memory multiprocessor computer very similar to Challenge. The system is based on nodes, which are implemented as boards that plug into a midplane containing Ebus slots and the POWERpath-2 "Ebus" bus, a system bus …
sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Origin 3000 / Onyx 3000
The Onyx/Origin 3000 series is a family of modular graphics supercomputers and servers. They are successors to the Onyx 2 and Origin 2000 line. The systems are not built from single boards that are plugged into a back- or midplane like the SGI classics Onyx or Challenge (L/XL) used to.
SGI Onyx Systems
Infinite Reality Graphics is one of the faster graphics pipes available anywhere! Resolutions up to 1920x1200, and stereo at 1024x768. Onyx parts and upgrades are available on Onyx Parts page. Onyx's come with a fresh installation of IRIX6.3 or IRIX6.5.17m. Media is not included unless otherwise noted. The latest Freeware can be loaded on request.
SGI Onyx3000 Systems
The Onyx 3000 features the same modular archectecture as the Origin 3000 except that the Onyx 3000 adds a G-Brick or a V-Brick. The bricks that make up the archetecture are: V-Brick has 2 V12 Graphic boards The system is very expandable up to …