Phonics Song | Letter Oo | Phonics sounds of Alphabet - YouTube
Let's learn the letter and its sound! You can check out our stories on the Little Fox YouTube channel. SUBSCRIBE : youtube.com/user/LittleFoxKids?sub_confirm...
Primary Vowels in English | Aa - Ee - Ii - Oo - Uu - YouTube
Vowels form the core building blocks of syllables and words.In English, there are five primary vowel letters: a, e, i, o, and u. However, the actual vowel so...
The letters o and u / ou / Long Vowel oo / Digraphs / Phonics Mix!
In some words, "ou" sounds like the long "oo" in "moon"! For example, in "group" and "soup," "ou" makes the "oo" sound. It’s like a secret code where "ou" can sound just like "oo" in "zoo."...
字母组合oo发长音和短音的规律 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年11月16日 · 1、字母组合ook中(book,look,took等),oo发短音 [u]。 2、字母组合ood中(good,wood,stood等),oo发短音 [u],但有四个单词例外:food,mood中oo发长音 …
@oo_uuo) - TikTok
.♡ (@oo_uuo) على TikTok |1025 من المتابعين.~♡~شاهد أحدث فيديو من .♡ (@oo_uuo).
Oo and u - Teaching resources - Wordwall
(v-e) TWO long SOUNDS of U (/oo/ and "you") - OO = /oo/ and /u/ - 9.7 Long U and OO Sounds Wilson - Short "oo" Whack-a-Mole - OO and U-e spelling /oo/ sound. Community Oo and u. …
字母组合oo发长音和短音的规律 - 百度知道
2024年8月20日 · oo在英语中的发音规律: 1、当oo组合出现在ook中,如book,look,took等单词时,oo发短音[u]。 2、在ood组合中,如good,wood,stood等单词,oo的发音同样是短音[u] …
英文字母组合oo,发长音和短音的规律是什么? - 百度知道
英文字母组合oo,发长音和短音的规律是: 1、所有的字母组合ook中(book,look,took等),oo发短音[u]; 2、大部分字母组合ood中(good,wood,stood等),oo发短音[u],但有 …
Vowel Sounds: ou, oo, o, and oi Flashcards | Quizlet
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(@oo_oo_uuo) • Threads, Say more
18 Followers • 56 Threads. See the latest conversations with @oo_oo_uuo.