Eulachon - Wikipedia
The eulachon (/ ˈ j uː l ə k ɒ n / (Thaleichthys pacificus), also spelled oolichan / ˈ uː l ɪ k ɑː n /, ooligan / ˈ uː l ɪ ɡ ə n /, hooligan / ˈ h uː l ɪ ɡ ə n /), or the candlefish, is a small anadromous species of smelt that spawns in some of the major river systems along the Pacific coast of North America from northern ...
What is an "oolichan?" | Office for Science and Society - McGill …
2017年3月20日 · Oolichan is a smelt-like fish that is so greasy that it can be made to burn like a candle. It is well deserving of the name “candlefish.” For many North Coast First Nations, the oolichan was a “saviour” fish, representing the first fresh food source after the long winter.
The Saviour Fish: Protecting Nisga’a Connection to Oolichan
2018年7月10日 · The oolichan is a fish of many names: eulachon, ooligan, hooligan. It is sometimes called candlefish because it is so high in oil content that when dried it can be fitted with a wick and used as a candle. To scientists it is Thaleichthys pacificus. To the Nis g a’a it is saak, or the saviour fish.
Oolichan… more than just a fish - WWF.CA
2011年5月27日 · Thaleichthys pacificus or the Oolichan, as we call it, is a small anadromous ocean fish, meaning it leaves its ocean habitat to travel upriver to breed. It’s a smelt found along the Pacific Coast of North America from northern California to Alaska – its population in decline across much of this region.
Eulachon - NOAA Fisheries
2024年6月10日 · Eulachon are an anadromous (moving between freshwater and saltwater) smelt in the family Osmeridae. The binomial species name is derived from Greek roots; thaleia meaning rich, ichthys meaning fish, and pacificus meaning of the Pacific. Eulachon are found from northern California to southwest Alaska.
‘Salvation Fish’ That Sustained Native People Now Needs Saving
2015年7月7日 · Also known as candlefish, eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) are so oily that they can ignite when dried. Traditionally, eulachon were used at times as lights by Nisga'a people. Traditional...
Eulachon - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The eulachon ( (Thaleichthys pacificus), also spelled oolichan, ooligan, hooligan), or the candlefish, is a small anadromous species of smelt that spawns in some of the major river systems along the Pacific coast of North America from northern California to Alaska.
Eulachon, oolichan, hooligan: A fish by any other name is just as oily
2017年5月24日 · Eulachon, a small oily member of the smelt family, has many different names, including hooligan, oolichan and candlefish. You can thread a wick through the mouth of a dried eulachon, light it and it’s so full of oil it will burn just like a candle. For thousands of years this fish has sustained First Nations peoples in the Pacific Northwest.
Eulachon - Oceana Canada
Eulachon are a slender, silvery fish that have a bluish back and a white belly. During spawning season, they change colour to a greyish-brown. Their fins are transparent and, like most forage (prey) fish, they have a highly forked tail. They also have large, distinct canine-like …
How oolichan is connecting Nisg̱a’a youth to the land - The Narwhal
2022年6月18日 · Oolichan is a prized commodity that plays a vital role in the lives of the Nis g̱ a’a and other Indigenous communities along the Pacific coast. As Griffin points out, the fish arrive at a time of year when other staples are exhausted and wildlife is scarce.