Baselines help keep naval aviation on the flight line | NAVAIR
2016年7月25日 · Combined with the Optimized Organizational Maintenance Activity (OOMA), which provides data input though local data collection and validation for efficient and economical maintenance management,...
It provides Navy and Marine Corps O-level and I-level activities with timely and accurate information for day-to-day management of assigned aircraft and equipment. NALCOMIS OMA and NTCSS...
OOMA Navy Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
OOMA in Navy refers to Optimized Organizational Maintenance Activity, a program designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance operations within naval aviation units. Explore categories such as Military and Aviation for more information. Explore abbreviations related to OOMA, organized by common usage and topics: What's Next?
OOMA includes TRCODE 20. (2) Naval flight record subsystem (NAVFLIRS) Record Type 7B records are selected for SCIR-3 processing when FLTHRS and TOTFLTS are valid (according to validation...
Aviation Maintenance Supply Readiness Report AMSRR - Logtool
This system allows squadron personnel to subjectively report aircraft status and material readiness, using OOMA aircraft maintenance data, on a daily basis. AMSRR is a web-based system used by the Navy and Marine Corps to report aircraft material condition, which includes mission-capable and full...
Baselines help keep naval aviation on the flight line
2016年7月28日 · NALCOMIS OOMA may sound like the name of a character in a science fantasy novel, but it really is a powerful aviation maintenance tool that helps keep naval aviation flying affordably and...
Defense Technical Information Center - DTIC
This thesis shows that current plans for Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System for Organizational Maintenance Activities NALCOMISOMA exclude several important data collection, processing, and reporting activities which currently take place at squadron maintenance activities.
Chief of Naval Air Training | Service Desk
0600 to 1600 | Commercial: (361) 961-HELP (4357) | DSN: 861-HELP (4357) E-mail: [email protected]. Do you need assistance with Microsoft OneDrive, Teams, or SharePoint? We can...
NALCOMIS Organizational Maintenance Activity (OMA) MAF Initiation ...
In the case of a maintenance action that is being performed on transient aircraft (Navy or non-Navy), the action organization code of the reporting custodian is always entered in block A08.
As an AZ, you may be assigned to an activity that operates under the Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS). NALCOMIS was designed to provide organizational, intermediate, and supply support center activities with a modern, responsive, computer-based management information system.