SPECIES INFORMATION: ‘O‘opu naniha (Stenogobius hawaiiensis) are a smaller goby reaching ten to 13 centimeters (four to five inches) in length. As an omnivore, it feeds on algae, worms, crustaceans, and insect larvae that it takes from the bottom sediments using their snouts. ‘O‘opu naniha display sexual dimorphism and elaborate courtship rituals.
'O'opu Naniha (E) (Stenagobius hawaiiensis) 'O'opu Akupa (E) (Electris sandwicensis) 'O'opu Nakea (I) (Awaous Guamensis) The native o'opu lay eggs in Hawai'i mountain streamsbeds. When they hatch, larvae are swept down to the ocean (makai) with …
Stenogobius hawaiiensis - Wikipedia
Stenogobius hawaiiensis, the Naniha goby, is a species of goby endemic to the Hawaiian Islands where it can be found in marine, brackish and fresh waters. This species is not as adept a climber as are many other Hawaiian gobies and thus is not found in the upper reaches of streams.
‘O’opu, the Hawaiian freshwater stream gobies, are amphidromous. They spend part of their lives in the ocean and the other part in freshwater stream. Breeding females lay their eggs in the freshwater stream by attaching them on the bottom of rocks. After one or two days, the eggs hatch and the larvae (baby ‘o’opu) go down the stream to the ocean.
Stenogobius hawaiiensis
Common name(s): ‘O‘opu naniha. Status: Endemic . Habitat: ‘O‘opu naniha are not the best waterfall climbers and are found in the lower parts of the stream and in estuarine reaches of streams. Preferred Area of Stream: Deep pools and slow to moderate velocity runs. Range in Hawai‘i: Found on all Hawaiian Islands .
‘O‘opu naniha Stenogoblus hawaiiensis Yellow-brown coloration; may have12 verticalblack bands. Diagonal black band through eyes. length to 5 inches. Usually estuaries and lower stream reaches; prefers soft bottom areas. Feeds on plant and animal matter. Endemic. ‘O‘opu ‘akupa (‘ōkuhe) Eleotris sandwicensis Dark brown or black ...
Blackbar Streamgoby, Stenogobius hawaiiensis, 'O'opu naniha
Locally common in fresh or brackish water streams near the ocean. Light brown with broad diagonal bar on the cheek. Attains 4 inches. Endemic to Hawai'i. Formerly known as Awaous …
Naniha Goby (Stenogobius hawaiiensis) - iNaturalist
In the Hawaiian language, it is also known as O'opu naniha. Stenogobius hawaiiensis is a species of goby endemic to the Hawaiian Islands where it can be found in marine, brackish and fresh waters. This species is not as adept a climber as are many other Hawaiian gobies and thus is not found in the upper reaches of streams.
Oopu Naniha : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet …
2015年4月28日 · Kionakapahu place-based project. Information on 'O'opu Naniha to partner with our children's book 'Ano'e Saves The Day.
Hawaiian Island Enterprises - Oopu Naniha
Oopu Naniha . Oopu Naniha Stenogobius hawaiiensis . Location Habitat The Hawaiian Striped-Cheek Stream Goby. This is arguably the most attractive of the Hawaiian stream gobies. The young are carried by the current back to the ocean and then migrate back to freshwater streams when they mature where they will breed and start a new generation. ...