SPECIES INFORMATION: ‘O‘opu naniha (Stenogobius hawaiiensis) are a smaller goby reaching ten to 13 centimeters (four to five inches) in length. As an omnivore, it feeds on algae, worms, …
'O'opu Naniha (E) (Stenagobius hawaiiensis) 'O'opu Akupa (E) (Electris sandwicensis) 'O'opu Nakea (I) (Awaous Guamensis) The native o'opu lay eggs in Hawai'i mountain streamsbeds. …
Stenogobius hawaiiensis - Wikipedia
Stenogobius hawaiiensis, the Naniha goby, is a species of goby endemic to the Hawaiian Islands where it can be found in marine, brackish and fresh waters. This species is not as adept a …
‘O’opu, the Hawaiian freshwater stream gobies, are amphidromous. They spend part of their lives in the ocean and the other part in freshwater stream. Breeding females lay their eggs in the …
Stenogobius hawaiiensis
Common name(s): ‘O‘opu naniha. Status: Endemic . Habitat: ‘O‘opu naniha are not the best waterfall climbers and are found in the lower parts of the stream and in estuarine reaches of …
‘O‘opu naniha Stenogoblus hawaiiensis Yellow-brown coloration; may have12 verticalblack bands. Diagonal black band through eyes. length to 5 inches. Usually estuaries and lower stream …
Blackbar Streamgoby, Stenogobius hawaiiensis, 'O'opu naniha
Locally common in fresh or brackish water streams near the ocean. Light brown with broad diagonal bar on the cheek. Attains 4 inches. Endemic to Hawai'i. Formerly known as Awaous …
Naniha Goby (Stenogobius hawaiiensis) - iNaturalist
In the Hawaiian language, it is also known as O'opu naniha. Stenogobius hawaiiensis is a species of goby endemic to the Hawaiian Islands where it can be found in marine, brackish and fresh …
Oopu Naniha : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet …
2015年4月28日 · Kionakapahu place-based project. Information on 'O'opu Naniha to partner with our children's book 'Ano'e Saves The Day.
Hawaiian Island Enterprises - Oopu Naniha
Oopu Naniha . Oopu Naniha Stenogobius hawaiiensis . Location Habitat The Hawaiian Striped-Cheek Stream Goby. This is arguably the most attractive of the Hawaiian stream gobies. The …