Sicyopterus stimpsoni - Wikipedia
Sicyopterus stimpsoni, commonly known as the Nopili rockclimbing goby, oopu nopili, or Stimpson's goby, is a species of amphidromous goby endemic to the islands of Hawai‘i. This species can reach a length of 19.8 centimetres (7.8 in) SL .
SPECIES INFORMATION: Both male and female ‘o‘opu nōpili (Sicyopterus stimpsoni) vary in color based on age and activity and display elaborate courtship rituals. They feed at a lower trophic level than Lentipes concolor.
‘Oʻopu Nōpili - Images of Old Hawaiʻi
2016年9月8日 · Many gobies can inch their way up waterfalls with the aid of a sucker on their bellies formed from fused pelvic fins. The Nōpili rock-climbing goby, on the other hand, can climb waterfalls as tall as 330-feet with the aid of a second mouth sucker.
Sicyopterus stimpsoni - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on
Sicyopterus stimpsoni, commonly known as the Nopoli rockclimbing goby, oopu nopili, or Stimpson's goby, is a species of amphidromous goby endemic to Hawaii. This species can reach a length of 19.8 centimetres (7.8 in) SL. The specific name honours the marine biologist William Stimpson (1832-1872), who was the collector of the type specimen.
‘O’opu nopili, one of the species of Hawaiian gobies, got its name from its ability to cling on rocks. Hawaiians used it as a gift for weaning and housewarming so that the good luck may “cling.” Life cycle describes the stages in one generation of an organism. An …
Newly hatched larvae are swept out into the ocean, where they continue development. After about six months in the ocean 'o'opu nopili, now called "hinana" (together with the larvae of the other four freshwater fish species), return to the streams.
heavy rains. After spending a few months at sea, the juvenile 'o'opu (hinana) migrate back upstream toward the mountain (mauka) to spend the rest of thei. o incredible! 'O'opu collectively are known for their ability to c. imb upstream. They use their strong suction cup mouths to …
oʻopu nopili (Sicyopterus stimpsoni) | FWS.gov
oʻopu nopili (Sicyopterus stimpsoni) Download . Thumbnail (130 x 130) Medium (650 x 488) Large (1300 x 975) Original (2048 x 1536) 754.6K; Photo By/Credit. Gordon Smith/USFWS. Copy Credit . Media Usage Rights/License. Public Domain. Image. Facility. Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office. Ecosystem. River/stream. Species.
The odd Hawaiian fish that climbs cliffs - BBC
2021年2月10日 · Hawaii's unusual 'o'opu can scale the islands' waterfalls, some more than 300m high. Scientists say they're mostly endemic, understudied and threatened by development. Sneaking past locals...
Stimpson's Goby (Sicyopterus stimpsoni) - iNaturalist
Sicyopterus stimpsoni, commonly known as the Nopoli rockclimbing goby, oopu nopili, or Stimpson's goby, is a species of amphidromous goby endemic to Hawaii. This species can reach a length of 19.8 centimetres (7.8 in) SL.