Études, Op.25 (Chopin, Frédéric) - IMSLP
In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland), and only if the …
【本音钢琴】肖邦练习曲介绍及命名 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
肖邦练习曲一共27首,分别为Op.10有12首,Op.25号有12首,Dbop.36有3首。 说明:1.“ …
Étude Opus 25 No. 12 in C Minor - Musescore.com
2013年5月27日 · Étude Opus 25, No. 12 in C minor is the last of Frédéric Chopin's formal studies for the Piano, opus 25, dedicated À Madame la Comtesse d'Agoult. It was first published in …
Étude Op. 25, No. 1 (Chopin) - Wikipedia
Étude Op. 25, No. 1 in A-flat major is a solo piano work composed by Frédéric Chopin in 1836, and published in 1837. The work consists entirely of rapid arpeggios and harmonic …
Étude Opus 25 No. 2 in F Minor - Musescore.com
2024年5月14日 · Étude Opus 25, No. 2, in F minor, is an étude composed by Frédéric Chopin. It is based on a polyrhythm, with pairs of eighth-note (quaver) triplets in the right hand against …
Etude Opus 25 No. 12 (Ocean) - Frederic Chopin - Musescore.com
2017年9月16日 · Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for Etude Opus 25 No. 12 (Ocean) - Frederic Chopin arranged by Anton Gerland for Piano (Solo)
2024年8月20日 · (Op. 25) (Composed belween 1830 and 1834) FOREWORD In publishing this Edition of Chopin’s compositions, we propose to offer the public a final text, unimpaired by …
Chopin - 12 Etudes, op. 25 - Daniil Trifonov - YouTube
Daniil Trifonov performs Chopin - 12 Etudes op. 25 at the Arthur Rubinstein Piano Master Competition (May, 2011, Tel Aviv). ...more. Since its inception in 1974, the Arthur Rubinstein...
肖邦钢琴练习曲(Op.25)欣赏指南_小调 - 搜狐
2019年12月7日 · Chopin 12 Etudes, Op.25 肖邦练习曲作品25号,除第12首外,其余都是肖邦在1832-1836年间的作品,1837年出版。 虽然作品10和作品25创作于同一时期,但是 作品25听 …
蕭邦 練習曲,作品。 25 - 下載免費活頁樂譜 - Musopen
蕭邦的 É首曲 是 是激進和革命性的新鋼琴演奏技術體系的基礎。 它們是音樂會鋼琴曲目中最具挑戰性和最令人回味的作品之一。 正因為如此,它們仍然很受歡迎,並且經常在音樂會和私人 …