opana 10 mg ir vs oxycodone 10 ir - Drugs-Forum
2013年5月25日 · doctor is gonna switch me to opana 10 mg ir from oxycodone 10 ir will it work better for my pain? Also, will i get higher off these and im saying if i take them orally.. i dont …
Dose - Opana 10 mg IR question - Drugs-Forum
2015年11月29日 · I've searched through the site and can't find a situation close to mine. I'm hoping you guys can help. I came across 1 10 mg Opana IR, 3 Opana 15 mg...
Opana vs Oxycodone - Drugs-Forum
2012年2月12日 · oral bioavailability of oxymorphone is about 10%, while nasal bioavailability is 43%. Oral on oxycodone is 90+%. Opana is considerably stronger than morphine, while …
Opioids - Opana 10mg IR IV - Bluelight.org
2010年6月22日 · so i just Iv'd around 3mg to test the waters. i last took suboxone 17 hrs ago and i have had a pretty big tolerance to opiates despite being on suboxone now (i used to have a …
10 mg Opana IR Experience | Bluelight.org
2015年12月13日 · I thought I would give some 1st hand account details regarding my experience with Opana IR 10mg. A little background: I have been taking opiates for about 4 years. I have …
snorting opana-oxymorphone - Bluelight.org
2010年6月18日 · as for dosing, take the mg's of opana, multiply by 10, then divide in half, this will tell you how much equivalent Morphine is getting into your system (the easiest drug to judge …
Opana ER - Bluelight.org
2008年11月27日 · let me know what you hear, i just got one 10mg opana er and want to know if i can break it down in anything and shoot it.
opana ER or IR how to tell - Drugs-Forum
2010年4月14日 · I normally take 80 mg. Opana every 10 to 12 hours, plus anywhere from 12 to 16 mg. of hydromorphone, plus 8 mg Zanaflex (a muscle relaxer). I might even throw 45 to 60 …
Opana (Oxymorphone) | Bluelight.org
2014年1月29日 · There is a drug worse and more addictive than 'H' It's called Opana, chemically, Oxymorphone. It comes in IR and ER and is more potent and euphoric the hydromorphone …
Opioids How much Opana is safe to take? - Bluelight
2014年1月30日 · The Extended-release tablets come in: 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, and 40 mg. With your tolerance I think 20mg Extended Release and below would be fairly …