Open Hub, the open source network
Indexing 254,616 open source projects. Connecting 6,640,309 open source contributors. Tracking 1,413,224 source control repositories
Open Hub - Wikipedia
Open Hub or Black Duck Open Hub (formerly Ohloh) [2] is a website which provides a web services suite and online community platform that aims to index the open-source software development community. It was founded by former Microsoft managers Jason Allen and Scott Collison in 2004 and joined by the developer Robin Luckey.
Open Hub - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Black Duck Open Hub,原名Ohloh [2] ,是提供Web服務 套件的一個網站以及一個網絡社區平台,旨在為開源軟件開發社區提供索引。 它由前 微軟 經理Jason Allen和Scott Collison於2004年創立 [ 3 ] [ 4 ] 。
Open Hub - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Black Duck Open Hub,原名 Ohloh[2],是提供 Web服务 套件 的一個網站以及一個 网络社区 平台,旨在为 开源软件 开发社区提供 索引。 它由前 微软 经理Jason Allen和Scott Collison于2004年创立 [3] [4]。 截至2016年1月15日,该网站列出了669,601个开源项目、681,345个 源码 倉庫 、3,848,524名贡献者和31,688,426,179行代码 [5]。 2017年, Black Duck Software (运营Black Duck Open Hub网站的公司)被 新思科技 以5.65亿美元收购 [6]。
openHAB runs on your hardware, doesn't require any cloud service to work, keeps your data privately at home and talks directly to your local devices whenever possible. At the core of our philosophy is that you always remain in control.
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GitHub - ThirtyDegreesRay/OpenHub: An open source GitHub …
An open-source GitHub Android client app, faster and concise. OpenHub is growing, and trying to be a better GitHub client. ButterKnife Bind Android views and callbacks to fields and methods. GreenDao A light & fast ORM solution for Android that maps objects to SQLite databases.
Open Hub, the open source network
Indexing 254,472 open source projects. Connecting 6,613,491 open source contributors. Tracking 1,452,615 source control repositories
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