EcuFlash "read from ECU" issue - NASIOC
2013年5月22日 · set the metadata path (file->options) back to the factory default which would be something like c:\program files\openecu\ecuflash\rommetadata for XP. Do not include the …
RomRaider/Ecuflash getting started FAQ - NASIOC
2008年1月1日 · Or you can find an earlier version of Ecuflash (1.29a or earlier -> do a search on the openecu forums, I think someone posted up earlier versions a while back). If the latest …
ECU Flash Definition help - NASIOC
2014年10月16日 · Delete the Subaru folder and any other Subaru definitions (backing up if necessary) in the Metadata directory specified in File->Options from within Ecuflash (ex. …
OpenEcu Logging Q? - NASIOC
2006年7月15日 · OpenECU is the place to get it. 4) 3rd gear is best for logging as it puts fairly consistant load on the engine. The gears loads ideal for logging is 3rd for the 5speed and 4th …
ECUflash won't read ECU - NASIOC
2015年4月19日 · ECUflash won't read ECU Open Source Reflashes. I'm trying to read the stock ROM for the first time and it just won't read it, tried 10 times same result, followed the …
ECUflash- ROM not recognized. What am I doing wrong? - NASIOC
2008年4月22日 · If I go into ECUflash/options and browse for the metadata address and set it to C:\Program Files\OpenECU\EcuFlash\rommetadata\Subaru, I get 1 (one) ROM file in my …
ECU Flash will not read or write - NASIOC
2017年8月13日 · Welcome to the North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club: Wednesday March 12, 2025
Unable To Read/Write 2011 WRX ECU (OP or AP) - NASIOC
2020年7月9日 · Hey all, having a peculiar issue with my 2011 USDM WRX. I unmarried my V2 AccessPort with intentions to pull the factory rom from my 2011 WRX via OP 2.0.
Anyone on Openecu.org - NASIOC
2007年9月5日 · openecu.org needs a cheap / loaner STi ECU to add support for STi reflashing: colby: North West Impreza Club Forum -- NWIC: 4: 12-01-2005 12:13 PM: openecu.org needs …
Step by step ROM pull off ECU using ECUFlash - NASIOC
2007年2月24日 · OK, before anyone goes off the deep end I have searched and searched and searched and I am still seeing a TON of mixed information on iwsti.com, openecu.org and on …