OpenGLBook.com | A Free OpenGL Programming Book
OpenGLBook.com is a free OpenGL programming tutorial in online book format. Click on The Book to start learning OpenGL 4.0. Several chapters contain OpenGL 3.3 compatible code samples in a sub-directory named "compatibility" in the source code listing, if you only have access to OpenGL 3 / DirectX 10 level hardware.
Chapter 1: Getting Started | OpenGLBook.com
Create an OpenGL context with FreeGLUT; Initialize GLEW; Create the boilerplate code used throughout the book; Check the requirements before continuing
The Book | OpenGLBook.com
Preface: What is OpenGL? Learn about some of the history behind computer graphics and how OpenGL came to be. Also includes an important requirements section. Chapter 1: Getting Started Learn how to set up a rendering window using FreeGLUT, GLEW, and of course OpenGL functionality. Chapter 2: Vertices and Shapes
Preface: What is OpenGL? | OpenGLBook.com
Modeled after the long abandoned but still popular GLUT library (OpenGL Utility Toolkit), FreeGLUT provides a modern Open Sourced alternative that is easy to use, cross platform compatible, and suitable for creating demonstrative programs such as the ones in this book.
Chapter 3: Index Buffer Objects and Primitive Types - OpenGL
Indices is defined as a GLubyte array of 48 elements; GLubyte is the OpenGL data type for an unsigned byte (unsigned char). You could use any of the following unsigned integral OpenGL data types: GLubyte , GLushort , and GLuint , since indices are never negative (signed) or …
Chapter 2: Vertices and Shapes | OpenGLBook.com
In OpenGL, the components of a vertex are represented through floating point numbers: since a triangle has three vertices, and a vertex has four dimensions, we must create twelve floating point numbers to represent our triangle.
Chapter 4: Entering the Third Dimension - OpenGL
If you're learning OpenGL, it's very likely you're doing so to learn how to render three-dimensional data. In this chapter, we'll be placing our very first step in the world of three-dimensional computer graphics.
Blog - OpenGLBook.com | OpenGLBook.com
2014年5月20日 · The Book. Preface: What is OpenGL? Chapter 1: Getting Started; Chapter 2: Vertices and Shapes; Chapter 3: Index Buffer Objects and Primitive Types; Chapter 4: Entering the Third Dimension; Credits; Blog. RSS Feed; Report Issues: Text Issues (typos, etc.) Code Issues (bugs, etc.)
<p> Over the course of the last few months, I have received numerous emails and bug reports from people trying to compile the sample code as C++ code.
glGenVertexArrays Access Violation/segfault with GLEW - OpenGL
2011年5月2日 · The Book. Preface: What is OpenGL? Chapter 1: Getting Started; Chapter 2: Vertices and Shapes; Chapter 3: Index Buffer Objects and Primitive Types; Chapter 4: Entering the Third Dimension; Credits; Blog. RSS Feed; Report Issues: Text Issues (typos, etc.) Code Issues (bugs, etc.)