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OpenSTAT is an open data platform powered by PC-Axis, a user-friendly application for presenting statistical data and metadata coupled with API and visualization features.
Database - openstat.psa.gov.ph
For those interested in microdata, please visit the Philippine Statistics Authority - Data Archive (PSADA). 1. Demographic and Social Statistics. 2. Economic Statistics. 3. Environment and Multi-domain Statistics.
Home | Philippine Statistics Authority
OpenSTAT is an open data platform powered by PC-Axis, a user-friendly application for presenting statistical data and metadata coupled with API and visualization features. The PSA Data Archive is a gateway to PSA's survey, census, and administrative-based microdata and documentations.
About OpenSTAT
OpenSTAT is an open data platform powered by PC-Axis a user-friendly application with versatile possibilities for presenting statistical tables with visualization features.
We publish high-quality, peer-reviewed, openly licensed college textbooks that are free online and low-cost in print. Explore our openly licensed library of resources and free instructional materials for high school teachers. Get personalized learning insights and earn recognition badges. OpenStax Kinetic is a platform to help understand learning.
OpenStat is a free software for teaching and learning statistics, offering various analyses and downloadable from the web.
Philippine Statistics Authority – Data Portal – Philippine ...
PSA provides data through three main platforms–OpenStat, QuickStat, and interactive maps. OpenStat holds all of PSA’s databases together. If you’re unsure what options PSA has or still deciding which datasets you want to use, this is a good place to start.