Best Drug/Opiod to nod off : r/Drugs - Reddit
Also adding other (relatively) easy to find sedatives can make you nod off of mids. My go to is Seroquel and hydroxyzine. 8 grams of kratom, 25mg Seroquel, and 50mg of hydroxyzine is my go to, with maybe another 4 grams of kratom every 45 minutes to redose.
Opioids Ranked! : r/opiates - Reddit
2021年5月31日 · O-desmetramadol: 15/10: This is by far the best opioid in all categories, in nodding, potency, euphoria, body/head-high, and length of effects. They got realllll close with tramadol on figuring out a formula to be just the perfect amount of energetic euphoria and a longer lasting half-life , but they missed one thing, the damn potency!
Never really looked into it but, how common is the opioid nod
bruv you guys have ruined your opioid receptors and the mythical nod is not mythical i would put tar and SEA#4 afghani #3 against any of the RC and fentalogues. Heroin oxymorphone and levorphanol are three of the most amazing rushes and nodddds. no hate but i have done all the others and ill still die on this hill the rush and ensuing nodd are ...
Opioids - What is 'the nod'? | Page 6 | Bluelight.org
2014年8月6日 · I was pondering this last night when I took some opiates on the tail end of an MDMA comedown and started proper nodding because my tolerance was nice and low, was a pleasant surprise. Ended up having a little chat about the nature of the nod with my mate while we were both in the same situation. I see the nod as like a conscious dream experience.
What’s a good ODSMT dose to nod for a daily Kratom user?
OSdmt is hard as hell to nodd off on alone in my personal exp .It has stimming effects similar to how some say real oxy dose ,mixed with a low dose of red kratom ,or a medium doce of benzos,phenabut,som mild gaba downer in a same doce and will be good,thats sipping the kratom or gabba stuff threwout the night ,with benz docing half to start an half mid threw night if their 3-6 hour acting ones ...
Does coffee/caffeine KILL the opioid high? : r/opiates - Reddit
2020年12月16日 · Okay, citing this source, coffee contains opioid agonist receptors, so basically, it should lower or kill the opioid high or euphoria or the nodding off: Opioid antagonists in coffee, both regular and decaffeinated, may cause or worsen RLS / PLMD symptoms, by reducing the level of activation of opioid receptors due to endogenous opioids."
Opioids - What is 'the nod'? | Page 5 | Bluelight.org
2014年1月30日 · Correcting falsely stated information is actually one of the few reasons reviving a dead thread is acceptable. Good job in catching that fear mongering! As yes, while the benzo opiod combo has severe risks of potentiating one another, where 1+2=4 in their case, so one must be extremely careful...
Don't understand why you want to nod : r/opiates - Reddit
100 votes, 141 comments. true. Welcome to r/opiates fellow bropiates! We hope that you enjoy our sub as much as we do, but in order to ensure that you are able to continue being a part of this harm reduction community, you will need to review the rules of this sub.
IC-26 Methiodone User Report : r/Opioid_RCs - Reddit
2024年5月20日 · The only way I feel any euphoria from opioids is when I nod, so I like sedating opioids and Methiodone is definitely more sedating than Odsmt and I would say it’s as sedating as Heroin. It takes me about 200mg-300mg of Heroin to nod and it takes me about 90-100mg of Methiodone to nod.
How to nod on kratom? : r/RecreationalKratom - Reddit
2024年6月9日 · Kratom just isn't strong like that, it's not a real opioid it just hits the same receptors. You'll get sick and puke it all up before you get close to a nod. However, 7-hydroxymitragynine extracts have been the only extract that makes me nod. Maybe try some of those. They feel closer to real opioids than regular kratom and mitragynine extracts.