optical parametric oscillators – OPO, nonlinear frequency …
An optical parametric oscillator (OPO) [1, 2] is a light source similar to a laser, also using a kind of laser resonator, but based on optical gain from parametric amplification (usually in a nonlinear crystal) rather than from stimulated emission of radiation.
Lamp Pumped OPOs - InnoLas Laser
High OPO pulse energies up to 250 mJ; Stable mechanical and optical setup in a compact monolithic housing containing both laser and OPO; Spitlight Software including full Laser control, OPO wavelength calibration and Remote Client Interface for easy Software integration
光学参量振荡器——基于光谐振腔内参量放大的相干光源 - 知乎
光学参量振荡器(OPO)类似于光源激光器,还使用一种 激光谐振器,但基于光学增益从参量放大中的 非线性晶体,而不是从受激发射。 像激光器一样,这样的设备表现出泵浦功率的阈值,低于该阈值的输出功率可以忽略不计(只有一些参量荧光)。 OPO 的一个主要吸引力在于,由 相位匹配条件 决定的信号和闲散波长可以在很宽的范围内变化。 因此,可以访问任何激光器难以或不可能获得的波长(例如在中红外、远红外或太赫兹光谱区域),并且还具有宽波长可调性(通 …
激光器倍频、OPA、OPO及太赫兹的原理 - 激光制造网
OPO光学参量振荡:既对信号光放大,又有谐振腔,泵浦光源峰值功率较低,多为CW、纳秒、皮秒、飞秒激光。 光学参量振荡器(OPO)被认为是获得传统激光器所达不到的光谱范围内的相干光的理想光源。 一台OPO就可以在近紫外(near-UV)到中红外(mid-IR)的宽光谱范围中获得连续可调谐的输出,同时OPO还具有全固态设计、高效率和具有可观的输出功率等优点,而且从时间域上OPO可以连续(CW)输出或者输出皮秒、飞秒等超短脉冲。
灯泵浦 OPO(SpitLight 600 OPO Broadband) - SNKOO
Pulse to pulse tunable OPOs with wavelength ranges from 410 to 2500 nm and repetition rates up to 30 Hz. High OPO pulse energies up to 250 mJ. Stable mechanical and optical setup in a compact monolithic housing containing both laser and OPO. SpitLight software including wavelength calibration to control the whole device.
Mid-infrared ZGP-OPO with a high optical-to-optical conversion ...
We experimentally demonstrate a ZnGeP2 based optical parametric oscillator (ZGP-OPO) with a record of the optical-to-optical conversion efficiency. To improve the conversion efficiency, we design and construct a double-pass pumped high-gain OPO and a matched large-sized high-peak-power pump beam to suppress the spatial walk-off and conversion.
全波段飞秒OPO - wavequanta.com
Inspire™ 是一款完全自动化的飞秒光学参量振荡器(OPO),可提供涵盖紫外线、可见光和红外光的间隙光谱范围,无需更换光学元件或晶体,只需一个配置。
2017年6月19日 · All InnoLas OPOs consist of an integrated robust Nd:YAG pumplaser with stable resonator structures and a maintenance free pumping chamber. BBO based nanosecond OPOs are especially appropriate for applications with the demand for high pulse energies in the VIS and NIR spectrum. Max. Pulse Energy. Max. Tuning Range.
光学参量振荡器(OPO)的研究 - 豆丁网
2011年4月1日 · 导体激光器以及光学参量振荡器(0PD)。光参量振荡器OPO在调谐范围和输出功率. 方面均优于染料激光器和掺钛蓝宝石激光器,特别是近年来一些新型而高效率的非线. 性晶体的出现和发展,使得OPO成为目前世界上调谐范围最宽的一种固体激光器,并
Flash-lamp pumped nanosecond Nd:YAG lasers NL300 series
Compact Flash-lamp Pumped Q-switched Nd:YAG Lasers. NL300 series electro-optically Q-switched nanosecond Nd:YAG lasers produce high energy pulses with 3 – 6 ns duration at up to 20 Hz repetition rate. A wide range of harmonic generator modules for generation up to a 5th harmonic is available.