One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki - Fandom
Discover all One Piece Treasure Cruise's available characters! Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
One Piece Treasure Cruise - Fandom
Treasure Cruise follows the standard turn-based gameplay of traditional RPGs. The game proceeds through a variety of islands based on the different story arcs of the series. Each island contains a number of different levels where the player fights hordes of enemies.
One Piece Treasure Cruise | Line航海王 秘寶尋航 Wiki | Fandom
ONE PIECEトレジャークルーズ 、或作 One Piece Treasure Cruise,中文稱作 海賊王尋寶之旅 或 航海王 TREASURE CRUISE等。 是一款以動漫航海王為主題的手機遊戲。 本遊戲會根據動漫畫中的劇情,通過各個關卡,並收集 角色 來組成海賊團。 每個角色有不同的能力、 必殺技 、 連續技 、 船長技能 等不同的特色,並可透過 角色進化 和 角色強化 來讓隊伍變得更強。 社区内容除另有注明外,均在 CC-BY-SA 许可协议下提供。 ONE PIECEトレジャークルーズ、或作One …
Line航海王 秘寶尋航 Wiki | Fandom
限時關卡與活動 12月31日15:00-1月1日14:59,招募活動,歲末迎新強力慶典,抽中超強角色率提高,且有機會直接抽到以下限定角色角色: 12月29日15:00-1月5日14:59,招募活動,速度屬性出現率提高,且有機會直接抽到以下角色: 12月23日-1月5日 :歲末迎新派對,登入滿去天可獲得限定角色喬巴超人。 12月23日-1月5日 :歲末迎新派對,登入滿去天可獲得限定角色 喬巴超人。 雙週副本及特別關卡 特訓森林 VS深海的大海怪(進行中) 佛朗基的變態美學 羅布.路基 …
One Piece Treasure Cruise 中文 维基 | Fandom
Fandom App 和你最喜爱的粉丝社区保持同步,不要错过精彩内容。
Character List | One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki | Fandom
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 | 901-1000 | 1001-1100 | 1101-1200 | 1201-1300 | 1301-1400 | 1401-1500 | 1501 ...
Tips for New OPTC Players and Roadmap
OPTC Eng Blog: https://op-tc-eng-version.blogspot.com/ is a good fansite with a bunch of guides. OPTC Guide : http://optcguide.com/ - I haven't used it much but is seems fairly up to date. OPTC Academy : http://optcacademy.com/ - seems focused on the Japanese, not Global version.
OPTC Database
Fan run database for One Piece Treasure Cruise. Includes a character database with all unit ability descriptions. Also includes a damage calculator that accurately helps you find out how much damage your team will deal.
One Piece Treasure Cruise Character Table - GitHub Pages
Farmable filters Story-only Hide Story-only Fortnight-only Hide Fortnight-only Pirate King-only Hide Pirate King-only Raid-only Hide Raid-only Coliseum-only Hide Clssm-only Arena-only Hide Arena-only Ambush-only Hide Ambush-only Treasure Map-only Hide TreasMap-only Kizuna Clash-only Hide KizuClash-only Pirate Rumble-only Hide PiRumble-only
Glossary | One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki | Fandom
If you are a new player, don't forget to read Tips for New OPTC Players and Roadmap and FAQ. Some abbreviations and other terminology commonly used in this game may be a bit confusing, and some concepts need a bit of explanation, so here they are.