Home - Huawei Optix RTN
Huawei’s split-mount microwave RTN 900 series is the first TDM/Hybrid/Packet/Routing integrated IP microwave in the industry.
RTN 900系列 - 华为 - huawei
RTN 900系列是业界首个TDM/Hybrid/分组/路由一体化IP微波传输系统,实现“四模一体”,能同时满足2G时代语音业务需求、3G时代语音数据混合传递需求、LTE时代宽带数据业务传递需求、及未来5G演进诉求,可最大限度延长网络的使用周期、保护建网投资。
RTN 900 Series - huawei
The Huawei RTN 900 series is the industry's first IP microwave product that integrates TDM, Hybrid, Packet, and Routing. It can meet voice transmission requirements for 2G networks, voice and data transmission requirements for 3G networks, broadband data transmission requirements for LTE networks, and also 5G-oriented evolution requirements.
2020年4月9日 · OptiX RTN 380AX (RTN 380AX for short) is a next-generation full-outdoor E-band microwave transmission equipment. The RTN 380AX is available in two types. One type of RTN 380AX uses the MXXI4 board and supports only the P&E power supply mode. The other type of RTN 380AX uses the MXXI4B board and supports two power supply modes: DC and P&E.
The Huawei OptiX RTN 905 1E&2E&2F is a new generation integrated microwave transmission system developed by Huawei, which can be installed easily and configured flexibly. It supports one or two radio links, and supports multiple protection schemes.
OptiX RTN 950A Price Huawei OptiX RTN 900 Series Radio
Ultra-Large Throughput Maximum transmission capacity with 2 Gbit/s in a single carrier, 16 Gbit/s in a single antenna. Unified Platform Supports four types services for TDM/Hybrid/Packet/Routing. Easy Deployment and OAM - The RTN 950A can be easily installed in any standard indoor or outdoor cabinet.
Product Details Figure 1 shows the Huawei OptiX RTN 320F Application Scenarios. Huawei OptiX RTN 320F provides these features: Ultra-High Bandwidth and High Spectral Efficiency Large …
Optix RTN 900 Hybrid TDM/IP Microwave Transmission Systems
OptiX RTN 900 Series systems support voice transmission on 2G networks, voice and data services on 3G networks, and broadband data services on LTE networks. Designed to protect investments in existing telecommunications infrastructure, and for smooth migration to LTE networking, Huawei’s RTN 9000 systems are widely used by governments and ...
02 Optix RTN 380A & RTN 380AX System Description
The document describes the OptiX RTN 380A and RTN 380AX full outdoor microwave systems from Huawei. The systems operate in the 71-76/81-86 GHz E-band frequency and support IP microwave and Ethernet services of up to 6Gbps for the RTN 380A and 10Gbps for …
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