Radioplane OQ-2 - Wikipedia
The Radioplane OQ-2 was the first mass-produced UAV or drone in the United States, manufactured by the Radioplane Company. A follow-on version, the OQ-3, became the most widely used target drone in US service, with over 9,400 being built during World War II .
OQ-2靶機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
OQ-2是一款結構簡單的無人機,採用一具雙缸二衝程活塞發動機,驅動兩個反向旋轉的螺旋槳,無線電控制系統由 班迪克斯公司 (英语:Bendix Corporation) 製造。 OQ-2只能通過彈射發射,假若沒有被擊落,則通過降落傘回收(只有OQ-2有起落架,藉由降落傘緩衝著陸,而後所有的型號都放棄起落架)。 1945年6月26日,陸軍攝影師 大衛·康諾弗 (英语:David Conover) 在工廠中遇見了一位名叫 諾瑪·珍·莫滕森 的年輕女工人,鑑於其出色的外貌,康諾佛在工廠中替莫藤森 …
Radioplane OQ-2A - National Museum of the USAF
Radioplane OQ-2A In the mid-1930s, radio-controlled model airplanes became the basis for the U.S. Army Air Corps' development of the aerial targets for antiaircraft gunnery training. Starting in 1935, the Radioplane Co. in California developed several variations of an original design by former movie star and modeler Reginald Denny.
OQ-2靶机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
OQ-2是一款结构简单的无人机,采用一具双缸二冲程活塞发动机,驱动两个反向旋转的螺旋桨,无线电控制系统由 班迪克斯公司 制造。 OQ-2只能通过弹射发射,假若没有被击落,则通过降落伞回收(只有OQ-2有起落架,借由降落伞缓冲著陆,而后所有的型号都放弃起落架)。 1945年6月26日,陆军摄影师 大卫·康诺弗 在工厂中遇见了一位名叫 诺玛·珍·莫滕森 的年轻女工人,鉴于其出色的外貌,康诺佛在工厂中替莫藤森拍摄了形象照,而后该名漂亮的工人于二战结束后从工厂 …
The OQ-2 was a simple aircraft, powered by a two-cylinder two-cycle piston engine, providing 6 horsepower (4.5 kW) and driving two contra-rotating propellers. The RC control system was built by Bendix. Launching was by catapult only and recovered by parachute should it …
OQ-2A Radio Controlled Target Unit (1941-1950)
2024年5月20日 · The OQ-2A was the first mass produced unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone in the US. It was used as a training target for antiaircraft practice for guns up to 40mm. Dispatched via catapult, with 6 ½ horsepower, a single drone could be expected to survive up to 25 hours of flight time be-fore it needed a complete overhaul.
OQ-2A Target Drone - Yanks Air Museum
This drone provided similar characteristics at 200 yards away as a WWII fighter did at 500 yards, making it ideal for anti-aircraft ground defense training with weapons up to a 40mm cannon. The drone was launched from a 36-foot catapult with a rubber shock cord system.
2021年9月6日 · oq-2的结构非常简单,动力系统是一台两缸两冲程6马力(4.5千瓦)o-15-1活塞发动机,驱动一副两叶对转螺旋桨。 OQ-1最大飞行速度可达144千米/小时,飞行高度2 400米,无线电遥控系统由邦迪克斯公司(Bendix)制造。
Remote Piloted Aerial Vehicles - The Radioplane Target Drone
Radioplane Co. produced a total of 14,891 drones for the USAAF and USN from 1941 through 1945. The US Army called it the OQ-2A and OQ-2B, while the US Navy called it the TDD-1 which stood for "Target Drone Denny". No matter what they were called, the RP-5A, OQ-2, TDD-1 were very effective antiaircraft training target drones.
Radioplane OQ-2 Aerial Target Drone - Military Factory
2017年1月19日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Radioplane OQ-2 Aerial Target Drone including pictures.
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